Ways to Improve Your Brain Health

A compilation of scientifically proven methods to train memory, speed of thinking and to increase the plasticity of the brain.

The Cartesian “I think, therefore I exist” many centuries it was hotly debated quote. The scientists then agreed, then disagreed about the loyalty of these words. To think that such a pattern exists not only in direct but also in selling value, made a recent study. The development of the brain directly affect our classes, lifestyle, exercise. But in the hectic weekdays what about to carve out time for mind boost for yourself? Here are some effective science-based methods.

How to improve your brain

The national Institute of mental health for over thirty years explored how various activities stimulate cognitive function. It was found that people who carry out diverse tasks, create new solutions and approaches have a large number of social ties, coping very well with the cognitive tests. The results of the specialists whose activity is connected with the monotonous routine, is much lower.

Anyone can set itself a fundamentally new task. It doesn’t have to be complicated, the main thing unusual for him.

For example, you can do the Assembly of large jigsaw puzzles, embroidery or solution of physics problems of the school course.

So, in Hamburg was carried out an interesting experiment. A group of young people started to practice juggling, and a few days have all been found to increase the proportion of gray matter. But after a while after they threw a new hobby, everyone returned to their seats. Therefore, an important continuity: each time discover something new and to constantly stimulate the brain.

Until recently it was believed that brain cells do not regenerate. It is also thought that each area of the brain responsible for specific area tasks. Now the statement about the cells burst, and the lines of responsibility are blurred. The reason for this was the writings of French neurosurgeon Fields Brock. His research showed that the brain is very plastic and is able to create new neural pathways.

On the background of this statement was supplied by numerous experiments. For example, in California the monkeys were required to perform actions with one finger. Then the shots before and after class there was an increase in neural connections.

It was also found that if you have dyslexia (specific reading disorder) you can boost your brain and skills after a long training in sound recognition. Responsible for this ability on the part of the brain became more and more active.

What is brain health?

It is also important that the human brain is able to transfer skills from the “outside” area in the “working”. Such result is achieved by a people who after a stroke lost the health part of this body, but continuously trained him. This is the birth of neural connections neurogenesis.

About alertness of the people, who all his life engaged in scientific activity, needless to say. Therefore, the conclusion suggests itself: neurons, like muscles, need constant exercise.

There is a reason to kill two birds with one stone: to learn not only to increase neural connections, but also direct benefits for life. You can take a course “Development of a phenomenal memory.” Exercises for development of memory and useful as exercise, and gain the necessary skill. You can start easy to remember mobile numbers, large amounts of information and fast learning of foreign words.

Neuroscientists have proved that while playing a musical instrument the human brain “lights” portions of it are activated and are in continuous operation for a long time.

Interestingly, scientists from Kansas revealed: IQ professional musicians is not reduced even in old age.

Ways to strengthen your brain

It is no coincidence that parents often send their children to study at a music school. Students who know how to play the violin, show the best results in training than other their peers.

If the soul is and have time to spare, why not give his music? To take up classical guitar or start playing the ukulele in the network there are many tutorials for kids and adults to help you easily and quickly master musical instruments.

A physiologist from Harvard, Richard Joll found that even with a proper diet rare the consumption of fast carbs accelerates the memorization of complex information and stimulate the mind. However, there is a way to think better without harm for health. It is about the right of hunger strike.

The researcher Sandrine found that when reducing daily calorie intake by 30% there is an increase of neural connections.

Also, it contributes to increase intervals between meals. This experiment does not require additional time and money, but to approach change in your diet should be very carefully.

There is a curious method, tested by students of the Department of theoretical physics, which for two months were notes in a special way.

The method is useful not only because it causes the intellectual potential to be in continuous work: reading, memorizing, reproduction, structure. The fact that the nerve endings on the fingers affect mnemonic abilities. Working with a pencil or pen, people will inevitably train them.

As said Albert Camus, a philosopher moves forward, only if he does not hurry with conclusions, even if they seem obvious to him. Don’t be afraid to try all the techniques, even if you think that they don’t work for you.

Ways of getting rid of Social Media Addiction

Social media was enabled by the digital revolution and rapid increase in mobile technology from netbooks to tablets, to smartphones and smartwatches. Social media users enjoy all apps such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat and WhatsApp and a whole lot more. It is estimated there will be 2.67 billion social network users by 2018. The more alarming statistic is that 14 % of our time is spent on these pages. It means that some of us might spend more than 4 hours per day on these pages, getting seriously addicted to social media and having the fear of missing out.

Here are the social media addiction facts and dangers:

  • When you spend more time connecting to the social pages, you are actually spending less time for yourself, your family and your friends.
  • When you are addicted, you miss out a lot on your real life. While you have a vacation, instead of enjoying every moment of it, you only focus on taking nice pictures and share it with other people online.
  • You gradually lose your ability to focus. In addition, become aggressive even more easily when you cannot get access to your social media pages just for 5 or 10 minutes.
  • Scientists have proven that being online on these pages lead to negative feelings such as lonely, bored and even anxious, depressed and self-doubted.

Spending All Your Free Time on Facebook

How much time is too much time? Any longer than two hours in a row or three hours daily on Facebook could be a sign that you have become addicted.

Do you compulsively log in to make status updates? While it is normal to want to let your followers know what major events are happening in your life, you may want to rethink logging in to let them know where you are eating every lunch!

A sign that strongly indicates you are addicted to social media is that you lose time. Do the minutes turn into hours and you find yourself immersed in your newsfeed? You may be addicted.

Whether you are trawling your Facebook news feed, uploading a photo on Instagram, or posting a tweet, you find there is no shortage of ways to waste time on social media.

Students admit most of the time they are procrastinating, but sites like Twitter and Facebook also allow them to keep up with what is happening.

Their compulsion is spurred on by the rush of excitement she gets when people “like” their posts or when others mention in their updates.

Social media addiction’ has been recognized as an official condition in the UK, with London clinics treating hundreds of sufferers a year.

It follows a study from the University of Chicago that found social media can be more addictive than cigarettes and alcohol.

The research found social media features such as ‘retweets’ and “likes” give users a boost of feel-good brain chemicals, while a lack of endorsement can provoke anger and anxiety.

How to fight this addiction?

Here are some of the most effective things you can do to prevent and deal with social media addiction:

  1. Disable Alerts

Get used to quickly jump to your page when there is a new notification appearing on the phone’s screen. The worse thing here is that people do not only check for the notification, 2 minutes later, they often find themselves wondering around. Therefore, the first thing to get rid of the addiction is to disable the push notification of these social networking apps. This would remind you less of the app every now and then.

  1. Focus

You do not need to know what happens to everyone on Earth. Therefore, you should unfollow most of the social media page of celebrities. Choose to follow only a few of them only. Furthermore, you can sort out the list of your Facebook into smaller groups such as friends, family, colleagues and total strangers so that you can check updates from the groups that really matter to you only.

  1. Set a timer

First, set the amount of time you would use for checking your social media pages daily. You should think about the time when you log on your social media pages as well. If you cannot resist the urge of checking these pages every 5 minutes, divide your time.

Then when you go on these pages, start a timer. When the time runs out, you should log out. It would need a lot of determination to prevent yourself from staying for a few more minutes but you soon will realize how much time you have for doing other things else.

It is really good if you can buy an alarm clock for the timer. Reducing your reliance on your phone is one step to beat social media addiction.

  1. Check with purpose

Before you go on your Facebook page, ask yourself if you have any specific positive reason such as replying to a message or finding a contact from your old friend.

Social media is an integral part of our lives, it helps overcoming geographic distances and sharing knowledge around the world. Nevertheless, some companies have been exploiting its entertaining features for their own profit, they commercialize our lives, enjoy to see us wasting our time, so I am here to help.

Lastly, although we can easily connect with anyone around the world, we face difficulties while talking face-to-face with the important ones. Let us think about it, let us disconnect to stay connected in real life with real relationships.

Tips on Beating Procrastination and Focusing on Studying

Just imagine, what would life be like if you did not leave doing your work until the last minute? If you started doing assignments on the day, did you receive them?

What would it feel like to be someone who got their assignments done days before they were due to be handed in?

Research tells us that students that get on with their work and do not procrastinate are less stressed, healthier and feel more in control of your studies than others feel. You could be one of these students – an action taker.

Being procrastinated is one of the biggest problems that a student needs to overcome if he wants good results or success in the future career.

Why does procrastination happen?

Studies have shown that we procrastinate when we are under stress or afraid. Our brain tries to convince us to avoid the task as a way to provide some immediate stress relief. So procrastination is not simply the act of being lazy or feeling unmotivated. These are just coping mechanisms for feelings of stress and fear. We should be asking ourselves, “What are we stressed about?” This is the first step in learning how to beat procrastination and increase focus.

Here is the worst part about procrastination — once we start the procrastination cycle, it is very hard to shake it off. When we put things off because we are not in the right mood, we set ourselves up to get nervous when too much time has passed and we have to race against the clock. In the end, we beat ourselves up and feel guilty, because at this stage, we are overwhelmed with stress and disbelief at how we let ourselves get here.

Strategies to overcome procrastination

After we learned the most common reasons why we procrastinate, it is time to tackle that problem.

Get rid of the distractions

As I mentioned above, having distractions close to you is one of the main problems for procrastinating. So change your environment and stay away from distractions. For example, you shouldn’t study or work near the TV. If your task requires reading, put your laptop away as well.

Break your task into manageable pieces

If what you have to do seem too big to finish easily and early, you should break it into smaller manageable pieces. Think about a 5000-word essay that you need to finish writing in the next few weeks. In order to prevent you from procrastinated while on this task; divide it into smaller actionable goals. These steps can include choosing a topic, reading materials, planning the structure, write smaller paragraphs and proof reading.

Make a list of good things that happen if you stop procrastinating

It is important to know what will happen when you procrastinate or stop doing so. Think about good things that happen to you when you stop procrastinating. And also imagine the bad things as well. Like if you procrastinate, you will leave your essay until the last minute, and then you will rush to do it and end up having a bad grade.

Plan your time wisely

Time management skills are the skills that you need to enhance and improve if procrastination is your big problem. You should plan around your schedule weekly and by term as well. Write your schedule down onto a diary and take note of the time to start working. Write down deadlines on sticky notes and put them all over the places where you have to see them every day.

Be persistent and patient

You need to make a huge effort to develop the good habit of dealing with things as soon as possible instead of postponement.

So in order to stop procrastinating and be more focused on your studying, you should avoid distractions and create yourself a good working or studying environment. Break your task into smaller pieces and make a list of good things that will happen when you stop procrastinate are two of the things you should do as well. We hope with all of the information above, you would be able to start working and get things done without any waste of time at all.

Study Timetable Tips

Setting up a study timetable helps you manage your time, visualize any exams/study you have coming up, and priorities your time for the subjects that you need to work on more than others.

Manage Your Time Effectively

Many people suffer from procrastination. Procrastination is when you keep putting a task aside for later and it never is done. The most important tool for dealing with this is a daily/weekly study schedule that is designed to suit your individual needs. Set it out in a tabular format showing each day of the week.

Firstly, ensure that you have enough leisure activities (i.e. time with friends, family time and study breaks). Remember that you must unwind. Only take what you need. Secondly, the more detailed you make the schedule, the better chance you have of sticking to it. Try to include the topic you plan to revise or the past paper you plan to do in a particular time slot.

We have listed some tips to help you prepare your study timetable:

  1. 45-minute sessions are the most effective – take a 10-minute break every 45 minutes to refresh. Try taking a walk outside to get some fresh air too.
  2. Study is best done when most mentally alert – that is the first thing in the morning or at night depending on when you focus the most (morning or night person)
  3. Spend more time on the difficult subjects that you do not like as much – you do not need as much time spent on areas you are already good at and enjoy. Spend a bit more time understanding subjects you find more difficult; it will be worth it in the end.
  4. Keep a balance – include time to socialize, exercise and work you do not overload yourself with study and burn out.
  5. Put it somewhere you can easily see it – Pinned to a board behind your desk, wardrobe door or the back of your bedroom door. In addition, do not be afraid to get creative!

Set Time Wisely and Be Realistic

When you plan out all of the activities that you do for a week or a day, it is important that you think about how long you are going to spend on doing a certain activity.

You should also be realistic of how much time you should spend on your daily activities. For example, if you aim for a good grade, you should not cut down on the time you spend on studying although you might think you are a smart and quick learner. In addition, although the number of hours you spend on sleeping might be quite a lot, you should not cut down on it either. If you do not have enough sleep, you would not be able to feel alert and concentrated. You will also be physically exhausted as well, which will affect the productivity and quality of other activities that you take part in.

It is worth noting that when sometimes, things might take longer that you would expect. For example, the time you spend on taking a bath is not just about how long you are in the bathroom. You should also count the time you spend on collecting your clothes, drying your hair and taking care of your body afterwards.

When you are able to allocate the amount of time you spend on each task, you will not overspend time on one task and run short of time on another.

Making lists

Do not be afraid to recreate your lists over and over again. So if your list of five is not working for you or is looking a bit scrappy, create a new one!

Once you have made your list you need to take action. The act of making the list will make you feel on top of everything but this can be a trap.

Have you ever made a plan and then thought, “I’ve done enough for today. I’ll get started on this plan tomorrow”? If you have this thought after making a plan, alarm bells should be going off. You are about to procrastinate!

Remember, even with your list of five (or list of one), nothing will actually be done unless you take action.

It is well known that having good time management skills is very hard to acquire. However, with your strong determination as well as knowledge on proper techniques and tips about time management I provide here, you would be able to control your time effectively, achieving the best results you could possibly get with your studying and having a great social life while you are at university.

When you can control your time well in college, you will soon find out how useful and valuable this skill is for you once you go out and face the fast-moving working world.

Make your student life memorable

They always say that your student days are the most beautiful days of your life. The fact whether they are beautiful or not varies greatly, but there are indeed ways to make your student life memorable.

Following are the most effective ways to make the most of your university experience.

Set yourself some goals

While this probably isn’t the most fun you will have as a student, what better way to get motivated before classes start than by making a few (realistic) goals? It might be as simple as vowing to improve on your results from the previous semester or to try every eatery on campus with your friends. If you do not have specific goals in mind, start with the basics. Being on time to class and taking note of exam and assignment due dates are both great examples.

Be Open-Minded

A college is a place where cultures, ideologies, and lifestyles clash – that is why serious misunderstandings are bound to happen. The best you can do is assuming that all people, actions, and words are well intentioned, even if they come off like that. That will simplify the problems a lot.

Make Friends As Soon As Possible

Stepping into college or university, everyone is starting his or her life over. People want to meet new people and make friends, so your greetings will be much appreciated. Put up with your shyness and go introduce yourself to people around, like in your neighborhood, in the class. Do this for the first few days or weeks – after the first month has passed, things will get a bit harder.

If you feel comfortable with it, leave your room door open or stay in the joint areas if you are staying in an on-campus accommodation. Accept invitations, and invite people to go with you around (to the library, bookshop, etc.). If you are waiting for a chance, it is very likely that others are waiting, too. Make it happen by taking the initiative.

Choose subjects that interest you

The beauty of post-school education is that you choose what you study and have a say in the types of subjects you take (depending on your course structure, of course). The best tip is to choose subjects that interest you and to avoid making your choices based on your other circumstances (your desire for a bludge subject or a Monday morning sleep-in, for instance). Look for subjects that challenge you or allow you to further develop an area of interest, and do not be afraid to explore those outside of your immediate faculty. Why not take on a philosophy elective as part of a science course, a music class to break up your law degree or add a language elective to a business degree?

Avoid doing the bare minimum

Being a student is not just about showing up to compulsory classes or making an appearance in tutorials every couple of weeks. Try to attend all your classes (no matter how early in the morning they are scheduled), keep up with the workload (including course readings before each class) and do not leave assignments or exam study until the very last day. If you need to miss a class or don’t think you can meet an assessment deadline, it’s best to have chat to your lecturer or tutor so that they can provide assistance, but remember to do this ahead of time, not within hours of a due date or compulsory class.

Get Involved in Activities

Do you know what the number one regret of graduates is? That is not getting involved on campus at all. Do it while you can. It is too easy to forget to get involved in recreation activities when you go to university. There’s so much studying to do and so many credits you need to get, but these college experiences are just as important to keep you function properly. They will help you have a rest from constant schoolwork, calming the mind, and is an excellent way to enlarge your circle.

Learn to Take Care of Your Finance

Now that you are an adult, budgeting, saving and balancing are things you must do in college. Here are some small, yet important tips to make your money a tool for you (and avoid you being your money’s slave)

Guess low for income and guess high for expenses: as students often do just the opposite of this, they end up struggling when the month has yet to pass for being overly optimistic.

List monthly savings as an expense: decide on the amount you would like to save for each month (most favorably, 10% of your income), and let that be a fixed expense in your budget.

Fight impulses with disciplines: As you go further in life, you will find out that motivation and inspiration are not actually as important as discipline. A little bit of overspend each day will accumulate into a significant amount, that’s why you should acknowledge any surplus and get back on your track as soon as possible.

Travel a lot

As a student, you are eligible for many discounts on rentals, hotels and travelling tickets to various destinations. One thing that students do to enjoy college life is going on road trips, where you get your friends and pool the resources together, renting a van and set on to a destination.

People tend to have many regrets, thinking that they are somehow missing on life. By taking measures to make your student life memorable, you can save yourself from these bad feelings later in life, while enjoying yourself to the fullest. Have fun, stay safe.

Consider a study abroad or student exchange program

What better time to experience the world than as a carefree student? Most institutions offer students the opportunity to study overseas for part of their course. Opportunities come in all shapes and sizes, from short study tours as part of a subject to a full semester or year completed abroad. Overseas study gives you the opportunity to travel, experience a different way of life and make new friends from all around the world. If you choose to study in a non-English-speaking country, you can also expand your language skills. Of course, there is also the opportunity to add life experience to your resume, something that many employers value from graduates straight out of uni. See Study abroad and student exchange for more information.

How to Talk to Professors

Want to tell a teacher that will not come? Sending email to professor! However, that business correspondence is not turned into an epistolary novel, it is necessary to know simple rules.

How to email professor about research

Red tape at universities in Germany today can be solved with the help of the Internet. One after the other German universities launching their own online platforms, where students can find schedules, lecture materials and share with classmates the thoughts about homework.

And questions favorite (and sometimes not) teachers students ask a professor by email.

Correspondence, though not as formalized as paper, but certain rules still comply. To denote norms of behavior on the Internet is even a special word coined: “netice” (“Netikette”, or network etiquette).

How to write an email to a professor asking a question

Student forums were clogged with questions: “How correctly to write: “Mr. Schmidt” or “Professor Doctor Schmidt”?”, “Do you think you will not be offended if the teacher “Hello”?”. “And my Professor wrote to me “hi, K.” and signed “P.”, – says student of German, who is now studying at University in the UK. – In Germany, teachers would get an aneurysm!”. Jokes-jokes, but the truth is, in the ironic words of a student there.

Some staff of German universities, tired of familiarity on the part of students, refuse to answer letters without befitting their status of treatment. So, Professor of law, University of Giessen, Professor Martin Gutzeit clearly indicated on their page on the University’s website: “Please note that emails starting with “Hi”, “Hallo”, will remain unanswered.”

Know your professor

“I’m always afraid to cross the boundary between “dry” letter and love message. The more we have, the critics, the specificity is quite informal communication: all “you” call each other (“dear”, “honey”). Not sure I can handle as to the Professor” – shares his doubts about Mary from the University of Augsburg. The girl is right: linguists believe that the style of communication between students and teachers varies from faculty to faculty. And that is considered quite normal in the Humanities, may not understand mathematics students.

Lecturer in German studies at the University of Bonn, Jan Seifert devoted an entire study to the analysis of student messages. The bad professor closely examined nearly 600 emails. “Communication mistakes in the emails of students was less than expected. But there are mistakes, and sometimes very impressive,” he says and read your favorite example.

“Good Evening. You have received a message from my friend that today my train broke down? Because of this jalopy I found myself in the woods. I hope you for me today, not really bored 😉 if you want I’ll do help. Although in reality I was not sick. Greetings.” It is a real message that the student made all imaginable mistakes. Speaking design alternate with wrong punctuation and typographical errors are combined with inappropriate “smiley”.

The list of common mistakes in student letters lead to improper forms of greeting and farewell. In addition, often in the same letter, the young people mix official style with vernacular words. Foreigners, says Seifert, is usually written quite politely and use adequate language. “The only unusual structure, which I noticed in the letters of the students, the phrase before the signature “Your response is very important to me.” I can’t understand is the “blueprint” of, or your textbooks, is that an option?” – he is perplexed.

The Golden rule of Internet communication is the measure of all: neutral handling, the short phrase “in the case of” no slang and overly stilted phrases.

The adjective “dear” sounds solid, emphasizes the distance between teacher and student and great for first letter. When student and teacher have developed friendly relations, you can navigate to the address “dear, dear”. The expressions “good morning”, “good afternoon” and “good evening” better watch out. It is unknown when the recipient prefers email. Wish a nice evening for Breakfast can be quite inappropriate.

Man in bed with laptop

Telling the teacher about the disease, you should not indulge in the “disgusting” details of your well-being.

Another difficulty with academic degrees and titles. While “doctor” is abbreviated to Dr., “Professor” are usually written completely. If the teacher a few scientists and academic titles, use the title of the highest academic degrees. “Often, students forget to write the words “Herr” and “Frau” in front of a degree, says Jan Seifert. – By the way, if the first letter of the title are specified, the following could be omitted”.

How to deal with a professor who hates you

“The day I receive about two dozen emails from students, says a teacher of linguistics from Ruhr University Bochum Kleppin Karin. Mostly students ask questions about exams, homework, presentations, asking them to recommend additional literature”. Unlike some colleagues, she was not offended by “hi” in the beginning of the message and smiles when he sees six exclamation marks after the word “question” in the subject from students from China.

“There are a lot of books on netiquette, but even in them there are errors and inconsistencies. So, now you know how to talk to professors and we must learn to correctly assess the situation and the relationship with the teacher,” says Jan Seifert. And the main thing – to send the letter only in really necessary cases. The theme of the course work, it is desirable to discuss in a personal meeting, and in the details of his night with diarrhea of associate Professor is better not to dedicate. Don’t be surprised the following message to the Professor of German, too, had to read!

How to Build a Paper Research Database

To write a thesis, for most majors you need to study the contribution of other researchers of the problem. Simply put, you need more than books and scientific journals (though now much of the information can be obtained in electronic form, which reduces the height of the barricades of books and photocopies on the Desk).

So how to find material for the thesis? How to do a literature search for less time?

The scientific Director will require, together with the plan of the thesis and a list of references, which will be the base graduate student. And rightly so, because the list becomes a reference point for the student, arranging chaotic in search of materials.

In addition, by studying the bibliography, the teacher can at this stage to provide serious help to recommend some important materials or to erase the excess. Draft list of references can be expanded, but overall, as a plan becomes the basis for the thoughtful and measured work on a degree.

Types of sources

Depending on the specialty, the list of references includes from several tens to several hundreds. Traditional recommendations for the compilation of this list are reduced to the strict command to work with library catalogues and bibliographic references. But we know 11 life hacks which will help you to make the process of researching literature for the thesis a little more easy, and will allow you to find the materials that facilitate the writing of the diploma.

As a support, take a list of literature review structure on the topic of your term papers (if they match on the problems with graduate study that often happens).

View a list of recommended literature on your topic in encyclopedias, reference books, textbooks. Since the thesis is usually narrow for the big catch cannot count, but some literature, especially of a General nature, to find succeed. You have, at least, formed the center for bibliographic spiral that you can gradually promote.

What is the purpose of a literature review?

You have in your hands a great tool the Internet. With it looking for publications on your topic. I think it’s Captain Obvious here crucified? Nope. As practice shows, many students somehow do not know that it is best to use for this purpose specialized search engines such as Google scholar, as well as specialized electronic library.

Burning chip: others diplomas and thesis will provide you with lists of suitable literature (already selected information from the churning of the ocean). This is perhaps the rare case when banks will be useful abstracts. Plus, this method that you can find the names of suitable articles, not burying binder scientific journals. Pay special attention not even on the list of references (students and graduate students love to poke all more or less related to the topic, anyhow more) and on links. You will have the page numbers in articles and monographs, where you can learn the right material.

How to organize a literature review

All the same applies to articles, books on your topic. Again, more attention is paid to the reference as lists of references, especially books, is very extensive. In fact minus a multi-page bibliography, they have a lot of books that you do not need. The obvious plus is that databases for research papers don’t cut corners with pages, like a graduate.

Look in the electronic dissertation hall and see if there’s something suitable for your topic. Open access dissertations are laid out, so you have a chance to neatly not only references, but any piece of work.

Still little material? Work with library catalogs. Now they are almost all electronic and even integrated with the Internet. Yeah, the Board on life hacking is not particularly drawn, but there is one caveat: almost any library can order recruitment materials for your topic. Well, Yes, money. But save time, especially when working in the hall of foreign theoretical literature at a mediocre language skills. Minus: there is a risk that the librarian is not deep enough understanding of your subject, skip the book or article that you’d taken in independent exploration.

Especially botany buried in the bibliographic reference. The majority of students is unlikely to accomplish such a feat. But there are issues on which, without such a reference is not enough. For example, if you need to find the diaries and memoirs of statesmen of the Empire, the easiest way is not to go through the catalogue and take a bibliography, which lists all memorizes of the period.

Foreign burgonet. Search for suitable materials in not an easy thing, especially for a person with a high school level foreign languages. But you can find the appropriate materials that have not been translated and therefore not be “read” by the system. You know what we mean? Using both paragraphs 5 and 9 of our list of life hacks can be very nice to simplify your life.

Don’t hesitate to ask for help to the teacher in order to facilitate their job search materials. Of course, not go empty handed: make a little list with paragraph 2, complain that can’t find anything. Probably will provide you multiple flagships, based on which you can write most of the work. And the rest will finish with hacking 4 and 5.

Oh and there is one way to make a quality list of references the easiest, maximum saves you time. To entrust this task. Usually the materials looking the same author that will write you a diploma, but you can also place a separate order for compiling the list of references. In the article “do I need to pay for the preparation of the list of references?” we’ll talk in detail about who, how and why gives such orders.

Is Music Helpful for Studying?

Most students listen to music while studying. With either iPod in ears, iTunes through the computer or even “old fashioned” DVD player going, students across Australia tonight are listening to anything from Beyonce to Good Charlotte while they do their homework. In addition, inevitably parents in these houses walk past, wondering: “can they really concentrate with that going on in their ears?”

The truth is that there are significant advantages of listening to music while studying.

First, most students say listening to music helps them study for longer. This makes sense: homework can be boring. If something can make it slightly less boring, students are slightly more likely to keep doing it for longer. Advantage number two: listening to music has been found to be LESS distracting than listening to random office/household noise. Therefore, if the noise of the house is high, then having music to block that out can help students concentrate. Finally: research shows music usually puts students in a better mood. This is helpful because the better mood we are in, the longer we persist on hard tasks and the better we do at difficult tasks: good news for students.

Overall, listening to music when studying depends on your personality and preferences. Some people prefer no music saying they get distracted, cannot concentrate and start singing along or they listen to the music rather than studying. Other people may prefer to have light background music to fill as background noise and allow you to concentrate more on studying.

Ultimately, it is up to you if you want to have music while studying. Try it out by listening to your favorite tunes, searching ‘study music’ on YouTube or ‘calming music’ on Spotify.

Is it Scientifically Proven?

Did the music affect the students’ comprehension? Well, yes and no. Comprehension decreased only for the fast and loud music condition.

Well, it is difficult to draw absolute conclusions on something so subjective. This is partly because there are so many other factors at play, including personality type, the type of work you are doing, personal preferences and the mood the music induces.

Perhaps the reason why music does not affect our thinking as much as it should is that music has the ability to put us in a better mood, which therefore increases our IQ.

However, before you start blasting music into your ears, ask yourself this:

How often do you listen to a Mozart piano sonata on your iPod when you study? Would a slow classical piece of music even get you in the mood to do some solid work?

If Mozart does not make your playlist, that is OK. It does not mean you must suffer in silence.

Here is our recommendation: if you find music motivating, if it helps you to study and sustains your attention on a task for that little bit longer, then you should not deprive yourself. Listen to music but choose your music carefully.

How to Memorize Anything

Effective methods or how to memorize everything throughout life we perceive a lot of information, we learn verses, learn new languages, understand the formulas and theorems. And thanks to what? Thanks to our memory!

The brain is the organ that must constantly train and develop, then everything you perceive will be firmly fixed in memory. So, there are several ways that will tell you how to remember things better, to learn a large amount in a short time, to be able to store in memory received data.

Why use memorization techniques? According to experts, the status of dates, facts and any other information will not bring anything good. It doesn’t help anyone get smarter or learn the required information. These methods are ineffective, and they are more likely to hinder, rather than help us.

How to memorize quickly and effectively

Accordingly, the more senses in the perception we will use the better of memorized material. For example, if you need quick memorizer for the names of exotic birds, it is best to read their name, picture, and ideally, to find in the Internet the song or watch the video. And if you happen to touch it, to forget that hardly ever happens. Presentation on theme: “Laws of memory” Download presentation PDF or PPTX file for free! We will assume that you are interested in this presentation.

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Step 2. After you left a recommendation in any of the social networks, you can view or download the presentation. Thanks for the feasible help to our portal! I like tweet share Bondage art Due to the fact that the subconscious mind is stimulated by a great variety of items and artwork can be great to learn and remember essential.

Best way to memorize a speech

This method consists in different interpretation of the data. Create phrase from the first letters of the received data. For example, I received a letter and the first line reads Good day. Take the first three letters “EXT” in any form, create a new very cheerful. Bundle. As the name suggests, you can understand that we are talking about information coupled with a vivid illustration. How do you remember things? For example, those items that you seek to memorize in the English language can be linked to actions. For example, the fat cat model for large size cat. Leads.

Easy ways to memorize things

The essence of the technique of substituting numbers for items. For example, 0 – bagels, 1 – stick, 2 – Gus, etc. Technique of Cicero. Is the presentation of objects to remember in a familiar environment. For example, to memorize the words-objects in a foreign language, you need to place them in your bedroom. If you need to remember a particular word Association goes with a familiar setting.

This approach allows you to learn new words by heart, using a minimum of effort. We would not be surprised that some of the mnemonics methods will be familiar to you. However, it is a science that helps to strengthen memory. Tips readers we receive a lot of reviews and recommendations from readers, so we decided to publish them. To this article we have selected the best way to memorize something.

Hearken to read. If you have difficulty in memorizing the material, it is often the cause of this misunderstanding read. A lot of people to remember, you need to understand them. It is necessary to use logic and associations that will remain in memory. Abstract. Don’t stop writing, and preferably in thesis. For example, there is an important meeting and need to memorize large amounts of information, write the thesis, i.e. the main highlight. This will allow you not to miss the nuances and have complete information. Structure. If you do not like to write, then this technique will suit you exactly. Read the information, pay attention to her and now paint in the form of a diagram. It’s simple before you will always be beacons.

Drawing. Perhaps the most common method of memorizing. How it will manifest itself for you personally it’s hard to say because we all individuality. Importantly, the pattern was consistent with the data obtained. Slideshow. Such presentations are an effective method in the field of business. For a competent, interesting and effective flow of material sufficient to form the outline of the text using smart cards. There are a lot of online programs. Note that to describe in one article all of the ways to remember things. Therefore, we give simple advice theory and practice is the basis of an excellent memory

How to write and review your exam notes

Therefore, you have an exam coming up, and the front cover of the exam says something along the lines of special items: drawing instruments, templates, notes on two unfolded sheets of A4 paper, and up to three calculators approved for use in the examinations.

That means you do not need to remember anything, right?

Relying too heavily on notes sheets in an exam could be a sign that you have not prepared, and it is not good if you have to juggle the front and back of those, two sheets in the exam itself.

When writing notes you should write down key concepts, organize your notes and actively listen. Try to write quickly to keep up with the teacher so you do not miss key points. If you find symbols help you remember and translate your notes, that is fine and a lot quicker too.

The key is to design a note taking system that helps YOU to:

  • Review subject content
  • Repeat – write out key concepts and repeat them
  • Connect – connect your notes to improve how you recall information

Generally, study notes are notes made progressively throughout a topic, term or even year. They tend to be long, in-depth and cover all of the information learned. The key indication that a set of notes are study notes is that they cover everything – key points and concepts, class work, extra information and general learning. They also usually go into the same amount of detail on every topic. This is why they tend to get so long.

On the other hand, exam notes are all about prioritizing information and working to a time schedule. These notes are usually focused on key ideas, using brief points, mind maps and shorthand to quickly express topics. Usually exam notes are much shorter and will only focus on one or two topics of study, typically the ones about to be tested on. Exam notes are usually concise, to the point and cut out any information that isn’t absolutely essential.

In the end, what you include is entirely up to you. You can even put some motivational quotes/smiley faces on to keep going during the exam. However, the most efficient way is to use the process of writing notes as a study technique, rather than spending time you could be using to study to copy everything out perfectly – remember, if you are relying on your notes too much, you will probably take longer to do the question.