Plagiarism in the dissertation

On the one hand, the development of telecommunications has significantly simplified the process of obtaining university and postgraduate education, but any positive phenomenon has a downside. In this case, we are talking about fraud, when unscrupulous students, graduate students, and even doctoral students began to excessively actively borrow other people’s thoughts and reasonings, passing them off as their own. Inspections that have been carried out since 2012 have recorded many cases of plagiarism in the dissertations of the master, candidate and doctoral levels. As a result, educational institutions are still more than strictly related to the originality of scientific work. In practice, this is expressed in the emergence of requirements not only for the scientific value of the study, but also for its uniqueness.

How to check plagiarism in a dissertation?

One of the most common programs in educational institutions for checking the originality of the text is called “Anti-plagiarism. University “. The algorithm of the system is aimed at comparing the parts of the downloaded text with the materials of the databases against which the service checks. Nothing prevents the applicant from registering on the project and independently determining plagiarism in a dissertation, the permissible percentage of which in this system can be achieved by a quality rewrite of the checked text. Another way of correction is a more careful attitude to the design of quotes and the rejection of the use of template phrases in the presentation of your own thoughts.

Various online services are popular, although they are designed to determine the percentage of uniqueness of commercial texts, but they can also help to check plagiarism in a dissertation.

The specificity of such tools is that, being accessible to any Internet user, these resources cannot always reveal plagiarism in a dissertation. Do not blame developers: commercial platforms have their own bases for comparing texts among themselves, while educational and scientific platforms have their own.

After checking the program, a report is issued where fragments borrowed from previously published sources will be highlighted. When plagiarism is detected in a dissertation, the permissible percentage of non-unique fragments rarely exceeds 30%. However, the exact value of this figure depends on the educational or scientific institution at which the study is being prepared.

The Higher Attestation Commission measures plagiarism in a dissertation with the help of special software, which dissenters do not have access to. On the one hand, this creates inconvenience, but on the other, it becomes a guarantor of the scientific community protection against cases of fraud.