Presentation of the title page of the report

The title page of the report, like any other student work, requires proper design. Before writing it, you need to consider not only general recommendations, but also the rules that exist in a particular educational institution. To learn more about them, just go to the teacher in a particular discipline.

The design of the title page of the report meets all the requirements if there is information on it:

  • department
  • educational institution
  • Name of student
  • discipline
  • course number
  • Name of teacher and his position,
  • topic of the report,
  • the city.

It also indicates the year the report was completed and the student’s training form. It is worth remembering that information about the student, teacher and department is located on the right, and not in the middle of the sheet.

General requirements for a written report

To write a good report, you must follow a certain structure. Such work should include the following components:

  • title page,
  • table of contents,
  • introduction
  • main part,
  • conclusion
  • bibliography.

When writing each part, certain conditions are met. In the introduction, for example, it is necessary to provide general information about the topic and theses that will be disclosed in the main part.

So that the design of the title page of the report does not interfere with obtaining a good mark, you can order such work from specialists who will perform it taking into account all the requirements. In this case, the writing of the report takes place in a short time, so you do not have to constantly worry about submitting the written work on time.

Font and data layout features

The font features on the title page of the report are the same as when writing other types of written works. At the very top, the name of the educational institution, faculty and department is displayed. In this case, the font (Times New Roman) has a size of 14, and the inscription itself is located in the middle.

Below, the student writes the name of the discipline and the topic of the report. The first inscription is located in the middle of the sheet and has 16 font sizes. The topic is written below and is highlighted in bold. The font size in this case is 18 pt. The following is information about the student who wrote the report, as well as the teacher who checks the work. The features of this part of the title page are that the text is on the right. To accurately align this inscription, you can write it in the table and make its borders invisible.

Under the line “completed” the student writes:

  • full name,
  • form of training
  • faculty.

The surname, name and patronymic of the teacher are indicated under this information. This text is written in Times New Roman font size 14. On the bottom line of the title page of the report in the center is the city and year of writing of the report.

Design Recommendations

In order for the text to be displayed in the middle, in the Microsoft Word program, go to the “main” tab and find the buttons “left”, “center”, “right edge” and “width” there. Before you select a specific option, you should select the part of the text to which formatting will be applied.

To move the text of a specific block to the desired location on the sheet, you need to press the enter key several times. In this case, you should look at the samples in order to more accurately determine the distance between the lines of honey. It is worth remembering that there should not be hyphenations on the title page. Their presence will lead to a rewriting of this part of the work, which does not take much time, but can spoil the assessment.

To speed up the design of the title page of the report, before writing each block, you can immediately create a specific formatting. Thanks to this, you only need to enter text in a specific place on the page.