Research paper design: title page sample

Just as a book is judged by its cover, the research paper is judged by its title page. And it often happens that even a perfectly written work does not get a high score if its title page is framed inaccurately or incorrectly. Thus, in order to result in the correct design of the essay, a sample title page must be provided by the teacher. However, sometimes it happens that you for some reason could not get acquainted with the sample. In such cases, the design of the homepage is carried out in accordance with generally accepted standards.

Sample design of the research paper: a sample title page

First of all, it is worth noting that the design of the title page is significantly different from the standards for designing the main part of the research paper. This applies not only to the information that needs to be specified, but also to fields and even indentation. So, the title page should be issued as follows:

  1. General rules: font – Times New Roman, font size – 14, 16 pt. is allowed for the name and type of work, margins – 3 centimeters – left, 1 centimeter – right and 2 centimeters – upper and lower.
  2. The first block is located at the very top of the page, aligned to the center and contains information about the ministry and the name of the educational institution (school, technical school or university).
  3. The second block is in the middle of the page, is also aligned in the center, and information about the name of the work and its type are indicated in it.
  4. The third block is located in the lower right corner, aligned, respectively, on the right side. Here it is necessary to indicate the full name of the author of the work and the supervisor or inspector, for students – the class, and for students – the group number and department.
  5. The fourth block is located at the very bottom of the page and is also centered. It indicates the city in which you study, and the year of writing the work.

Important points

Of course, the design of the research paper, the sample title page cannot do without some important nuances that must be taken into account. So, the name of the ministry and educational institution is indicated in full, without abbreviations and abbreviations, and is written in capital letters. Also, the type of work is written in capital letters, and the name itself – lowercase. Further, if the data on the author of the work contain only brief information, then in addition to the full name of the supervisor or inspector, it is also necessary to indicate his or her position and all ranks. The main difficulty for students is indentation. It is important to remember that the indent between the first and second blocks is less than the indent between the second and third. Thus, if the indent between the title of the research paper and the author’s data is about 7-9 lines, then indentation between the name of the educational institution and the name of the work is enough 4-6. Naturally, the entire cover page should be placed on one page.

Self-writing research paper

A sample title page can be easily found on the Internet. Moreover, if your educational institution has its own website, then, as a rule, it contains examples of various types of work. However, if you are not strong in text editors and are afraid to make a mistake, then simply inserting your data instead of the specified ones is not worth it. In this case, we strongly recommend that you entrust this work to professionals.