Sample of a coursework design

After writing a coursework it must be brought into the appropriate form. For coursework, as a scientific work, strict, well-defined design rules are set. You must do everything according to the rules, otherwise you will not pass the normal control, and you will not be signed to the work. So there is no other way out. We decided to help you a little and talk about the rules of registration.

Familiarize yourself with how to properly design coursework: a sample and an explanation.

The correct order of the course

Each part of the course work has its place. The established order cannot be changed. Yes, and a logical presentation of the topic otherwise it will not work out.

Let’s start with the first page. The first is the title page. It indicates the name of the educational institution, department, the name of the work, its topic. Below are the full data of the student (course, group, form of study, surname, name, patronymic) and data of the supervisor (academic title and name). At the bottom of the sheet in the center of the city and year.

After the title page is the content. In the correct order are listed all items of work with an indication of the page. The introduction, conclusions and references are also indicated.

Next comes the introduction. In the introduction, the main points should be highlighted in bold. The words “subject”, “object”, “research methods”, “tasks”, etc. must start with a new paragraph. Then comes the main part and conclusion. At the end is a list of references and applications.

The exchange rate is about 25-30 pages.

Basic design requirements

  • The work is printed on white A4 paper on one side.
  • All pages, except the title page, should be numbered. Start with the second page under the number “2”. The numbering is set in Arabic numerals. The number is placed in the center of the sheet from the bottom or top right.
  • Standard text font – Times New Roman, size 14 pt. Sometimes it is allowed 12 pt., but this is a deviation. This can be done only if the teacher permits.
  • Line spacing expose one and a half.
  • The fields also have a standard format: 2 cm below, 2 cm above, 3 cm on the left, 1 cm on the right.
  • Each paragraph begins with an indent. Standard is 1.5 pt. Maybe a little less.
  • Section titles are written in the center of the sheet. Stand out in bold. There is no need to put a point at the end.
  • All sections begin with a new page. This does not apply to subsections of the main sections. For example, section 1 of the main part begins with a new page. And 2 subsections 1 of the section is not.
  • Your main source of information is the guidelines published by your department. This is the document that will be used to verify you.
  • Used tables must be signed. The word table and number are written on the top left, the table name is also indicated there.
  • Images are signed below and are also numbered.
  • Usually, large tables, charts, graphs and images are placed in applications. Applications must have a number. Usually they are numbered. The word “application” and the number are bold.
  • Applications also have a page number, but are not included in the main content.

Adhere to the necessary volumes, do everything according to the rules, and everything will turn out well! Remember that design is the look, the face of your work. Let it be beautiful!

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