Should Mass be capitalized?
The word “Mass“, when referring to the Most Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, should always be capitalized.
What time is Mass on TV Philippines?
Catch the Eucharistic Celebration on CNN Philippines every Sunday at 9am via Free TV channel 9, Cignal channel 10, or Sky Cable channel 14. Live stream also available HERE. – Since you know the time of the Mass, prepare yourselves well for it.
Is Catholic Mass always capitalized?
Always capitalize when referring to the ceremony, but lowercase any preceding adjectives: high Mass, low Mass, requiem Mass.
Is Mass capitalized AP style?
APStylebook on Twitter: “AP Style tip: Mass is celebrated, not said. Capitalize when referring to the ceremony; lowercase preceding adjectives: requiem Mass.” / Twitter.
Do you Capitalize First Holy Communion?
I know First Holy Communion is capitalised. Same with Sacrament of Confirmation. Both are usually shortened to ‘making your communion/confirmation’.
Does pope get a capital letter?
Pope: Capitalization Always capitalize the word pope when used as a title before a name. The newspaper reports that Pope Francis has urged hairdressers to stop gossiping. Here is a list of works by Pope John Paul II . He was consecrated as bishop by Pope Benedict XVI .
What is the Sunday Mass?
THE SUNDAY MASS is a nationally televised Mass broadcasting from Jamaica, NY in Queens. The mission of THE SUNDAY MASS is to share with all people God’s greatest gift- the Eucharist.
Who are the Passionists of the cross province?
The Passionists of the St. Paul of the Cross Province began their television ministry in New York in December of 1970. From the first broadcast, The Sunday Mass was enthusiastically received by the home bound and the infirm.
Where can I find father Alex’s Passionist pause reflections?
All times are Central Standard Time. Father Alex continues with his weekly Passionist Pause reflections. The videos are available on St. Paul of the Cross Passionist Retreat and Conference Center’s YouTube Channel.
When was the first Sunday Mass broadcast?
About The Sunday Mass The Passionists of the St. Paul of the Cross Province began their television ministry in New York in December of 1970. From the first broadcast, The Sunday Mass was enthusiastically received by the home bound and the infirm.