Should you let the Doppler go Witcher 3?

Should you let the Doppler go Witcher 3?

The best choice in this quest is to Kill the Doppler. Even if you will receive more crowns when you spare the doppler, this is the only way to get the doppler mutagen and the doppler trophy.

Can you sleep with VES in Witcher?

In The Witcher 2, Geralt may have the opportunity to sleep with Ves in chapter II, depending on whom he sides with during that chapter. Ves doesn’t hold a grudge against non-humans, even though she fights the Scoia’tael.

Should I take him to the Nilfgaardians?

If you present him to the Nilfgaardians, you will get 10 XP and 30 Crowns for doing this. This outcome is the best choice if you morally side with the Nilfgaardians. If you let him go with the medicine, you will also get 10 XP and 30 Crowns for doing this.

Should I spare the rock troll Witcher 3?

The best choice here is to Kill Wham-A-Wham. If you kil him, you will get the Cave Troll Trophy, the relic Steel Sword Caroline, and increased rewards when reporting back to Gjarr.

How do I get Doppler mutagen?

Notes. The player only has one chance to receive this mutagen: during the quest An Elusive Thief. However, if the player leans towards being merciful, they can miss this chance and must either forego making the decoction, use one playthrough to kill the doppler, or use console commands to get the mutagen.

What happens if you let the Doppler go?

More importantly though, letting him go means you won’t get a doppler mutagen or the trophy. If you choose to kill him, he won’t take on the witcher form again, making it a bit easier to kill him (but not earning any rewards here other than the trophy and mutagen). ). The quest will then complete.

What happens if VES dies?

If Ves dies in the fight: No historian will write of this stuggle, nor will any bard sing of it, and no gravestone shall mark Ves’ resting place. Vernon Roche fell into dour spirits after Geralt’s conversation with Radovid at the chess club.

Can you get laid in Witcher 3?

Getting laid is simple, but players need to meet certain pre-requisites and complete a couple of side-quests. You’ll find Keira Metz in Keira Cottage in the Velenian Woods. You’ll also need to complete A Favor for a Friend side-quests which unlocks once you complete: An Invitation from Keira Metz.

Should you give Lena the potion?

The best choice in this quest is to brew the Swallow potion and give a dose to Lena to help her. You will get 350 XP, 50 Crowns, 2x Venom Extract, and the Manuscript Page: Cursed Oil for helping her.

Why can’t I dive in the Witcher 3?

It’s happened to me. Just manually save where you are and reload the game. Works every time, you don’t need to load a file previous to when the bug happens, just need to reload in general. Literally just save where your are in the water when the bug happens and then load it up.

What do you do with a rock troll?

Talk to the Rock Troll. You can choose to kill the Troll or let him off. Killing the Troll will give you 50 XP and you can loot the rare ingredient, Cave Troll Liver. If you choose to let him off you will need to buy paint from the marked merchant in Oxenfurt and bring it back and give it to the troll.

What can I do with Wham a Wham?


  1. Wham-a-Wham is like any other rock troll fight, just note his level relative to yours.
  2. If the troll has a damage over time skill applied to him (like bleeding) when the conversation starts the troll will immediately attack you after the conversation ends even if you decided to spare him.

How did trollololo get involved in the third Northern War?

When the Third Northern War broke out, Trollololo was in the area when he was approached by a group of Redanian soldiers and was ordered to watch and guard over some boats they had acquired. However, these boats happened to be taken from local peasants who weren’t too pleased about this.

Who is trollololo?

Trollololo was a rock troll who was the sole resident and protector of White Eagle Fort in 1272 . When the Third Northern War broke out, Trollololo was in the area when he was approached by a group of Redanian soldiers and was ordered to watch and guard over some boats they had acquired.

What did trollololo order Geralt to do?

However, believing he’d been recruited into the Redanian army now, he decided to take his orders seriously and constructed a fence out of some of the boats to guard the other boats and began to chant some of the Redanian songs. If Geralt lets it slide: Trollololo “ordered” Geralt to retrieve some paint as he had to stay behind to watch the boats.