Template coursework on the standard

Coursework requires adherence to a set of rules both in writing the content and in the design. Until you make a coursework for all standards, you will not sign it. Therefore, we decided to describe in detail what and how to do.

Registration coursework is governed by standards. An example of a course work on the template, sample and explanation read below.

Text decoration

  • Paper – A4
  • Paper color – white
  • Only print text on one side.
  • Fields on the page: 2 cm above, 2 cm below, 3 cm on the left and 1 cm on the right
  • Text Font – Times New Roman
  • Text size – 14 pt.
  • The interval between the lines – 1,5pt
  • Align text – the width of the sheet
  • The first line of the paragraph is 1.25pt indent.
  • After the section name – double indent

Header design

  • All titles, section titles and new paragraphs are highlighted in a special way. This is necessary so that work can be easily navigated, and it looks systematic.
  • Each structural part begins with a new sheet.
  • All sections and their parts should be numbered. Arabic numerals are used for numbering.
  • Each structural part must have a name. In the end, the point is not necessary. But if the section name consists of two or more sentences, they are separated by dots.
  • The title of the title also uses an indent of 1.25.
  • Names can be made bold, but not underlined.
  • The names of the structural parts should not be hyphenated.

The sequence of parts of the course

Course work includes several components. They need to be properly positioned. All the necessary pages you file in the following sequence:

  • Title page
  • The task of the department to write a course
  • Head Review
  • If abbreviations were used, the list of abbreviations
  • Content
  • Introduction
  • Main part
  • findings
  • If terms have been used, their list
  • List of used sources
  • Applications

Enumeration of all structural parts is written in the content. In the same place you specify all pages.


If you use formulas in your work, they will need to be numbered. To do this, use Arabic numerals and indicate the number to the right of the formula in brackets. In brackets write like this: (section number. Formula number).

Table decoration

Tables are signed on top. The number is on the left, and the name is in the middle:

Table 3.4. Statistical data of the plant “AIS”.

Registration of drawings

Drawings do not sign from above, but from below. Under the illustration write “Fig. And the number “, for example,” Fig.5.6. ”

Link Design

Links are written at the bottom of the pages, separated by a horizontal bar. Also, references to sources are indicated immediately after the quotation in square brackets.

Registration of references

First you specify all the laws and regulations, then the scientific works of the authors, then reference books and encyclopedias, then foreign sources and, at the end, Internet sources.