The example of a coursework

Course work is the result of your training throughout the year in an educational institution. This is done so that the student learns to write scientific work, systematize knowledge, learn to conduct research, and draw independent conclusions.

Topics are issued at the department. Sometimes you can choose a topic or suggest your own. For the most part it depends on who your supervisor is. Loyal allow the student to take independent steps.

For writing, it is better to use an example of a coursework or a scheme for writing it. Let’s try to figure out in detail what should be in your coursework.

Coursework scheme

There is a certain system in accordance with which your work should be built. You can not deviate and skip points too. In your coursework will be the following items: title page, content, introduction, main part, practical, conclusions, list of references and applications.

Stages of writing

Collect theoretical information. Library and the Internet are your best friends at this stage. You should study the information in detail and choose what will help you. On the Internet, make sure that the sources are reliable. Write down all the links at once, so it will be easier to work with the design of the list of references.

After collecting the information, write a plan. It is necessary that the presentation was logic, and it was easier to write. You should have 2-3 chapters and subparagraphs.

The course consists of 20-30 pages. Distribute this place correctly. The introduction should take 2-3 pages, conclusions 3-4. The rest of the space should be reserved for the main part. The theoretical part and the practical should be approximately equal. It’s impossible to upload a work with pure theory — it won’t get a good grade.

  1. Introduction Now prepare the introductory part. It indicates the relevance, the subject of research, methods, etc. This data is in the manual. Take it from the manager. You must tell in detail what you will talk about and how you investigated the question. It is important to clearly formulate the subject of study.
  2. Main part. First set out a theory. Logically, gradually and divided into points, present the existing research regarding your topic. After the theory, based on it, analyze the practical data.
  3. Findings. Conclusion is the result of your work. You had assignments to the course. Show that you executed them. Than this work is useful.
  4. List of used literature. Making a list of references usually takes a lot of time from students. Here each point should stand correctly. Check with the last training manual of your department and do everything according to it.
  5. Applications. These are the documents, illustrations and other graphic elements that you used.

Further your work is checked by the supervisor. After his approval, carry the work on the standard control. To pass the normal control, check whether the work is properly framed. You must take into account all the formatting requirements, otherwise the course work will simply not be signed.

After receiving all the signatures, get ready for protection. Make a brief summary of your coursework. Enough 2 pages. Take the introduction and conclusions, as well as the most important theses from the course.

Preparation of a coursework is quite a difficult task, especially at first. It is more difficult than it may seem. If you do not have a tendency to analyze scientific information or time to do this, you can contact us. Our specialists have more than enough qualifications to write a coursework in any field of science. We will gladly facilitate your learning!