Tips to facilitate the choice of kindergarten children

Choose the place where children begin their education is not easy. We must take into account their abilities and tastes, as well as analyze the interaction of teachers with small pupils.

One of the first important decisions about the education of children is to be attended kindergarten. Somewhat difficult, especially when more and more experts agree that is relevant to the child’s future.

“It does not matter the choice, as not all kindergartens ensure quality learning opportunities and variety of educational experiences. Herein, the role of parents is crucial, as there is no kindergarten ideal for a child type. It is very important to know what each child needs in terms of education, what skills you have, what things he likes, how it relates to other children and adults. Looking for a garden that contributes to the educational future of a Small does not only solve the issue care, but parents demand quality, “says Claudia Lagos, Director of Education in Early Childhood Education from the UDP.

Nursery education is not working as a nursery, but as a place where children have many opportunities to learn.

Playful and creative spaces

“The kindergarten is, by definition, an educational institution. So what Family Ought to expect and demand is that it offered the best conditions for children have the opportunity to learn and develop their potential, in an environment of wellness and respect for their rights, “says Carmen Gloria Cortes, nursery teacher and tutor pedagogical Initial EducaUC.

The specialist suggests, first, visit different nurseries and kindergartens in order to compare and define family priorities. And first, apply the current registration certificate or Mineduc Junji, which must be visible.

Add that to EducaUC Initial is vital that parents have an interview with the director of the establishment for the educational project and its history, the organization, working with families and the skills of teachers and support staff. It is also important to meet with the teacher in charge of the course for your program, work methodologies, assessments, requirements, procedures deal with special situations or emergencies, and strategies for adaptation stage.

“Children require nutritional educational spaces, recreational, with the possibility of sharing with others, to explore, create, investigate, build. Herein nursery education and kindergarten have a fundamental role in the extent to which offers guarantees timely response to these challenges of early childhood education, “adds Carmen Gloria Cortez.

Security against abuse

On security issues, apart from verifying that the types of games present in courtyards and rooms are reliable, parents should look at other aspects.

Looking into the interaction of teachers with small, paying special attention to the emotional contact, in developing experiences in the use and variety of materials and in conversations that occur in the classroom, is key. Power-enter the rooms i.e. have open practice-is a sign that gives confidence.

According to Claudia Lagos, have permanent access to the site, meet the people who will interact with the child, that allow parents to stay in different instances of the day to see the routine and the activities that take place are also important recommendations to prevent abuse and mistreatment in the garden. “You have to know the educational project, the educational level of those who will be in charge of the child, the dynamics of the garden, and every aspect that parents would seem relevant,” he emphasizes.

Experts agree: to the extent that parents start demanding higher quality standards in every aspect to the kindergartens, necessarily supply will improve.

“To ensure that the garden is taxed by Junji or recognized by the Ministry may review the websites of these institutions.”

Good deal

“Family Ought to know that childhood is a crucial stage in the life of a human being, by the immense possibilities of development and learning that occur within them.” Carmen Gloria Cortes, Initial EducaUC pedagogical tutor.

“The institutions in charge of education in our country initial policies promote good treatment and various support programs aimed at preventing family of situations that violate the basic rights of children (abuse, abuse).” Claudia Lagos, Director of Education in Early Childhood Education, UDP.

Set questions to ask

  • What is the garden path and who are their supporters?
  • Do you have current recognition or Mineduc Junji? (You must confirm the information on institutional websites or phone)
  • Do you have braces, specialized educational programs or consulting?
  • What were the latest results of the audit of Junji or the Ministry of Education?
  • I can have a copy? Educational project of the establishment?
  • What is its internal rules: rights / duties, emergency procedures, flexible hours?
  • I can? Entering the facility at different times of the day?
  • What is the feeding program?
  • I can know? Activity rooms?
  • Is it possible to agree with the educators a visit to see directly the educational work?
  • What is the number of adults and children per room?
  • What is the organization of working hours: schedules and sequences activities?
  • What educational assessments are made?
  • When reports are delivered?

In the tour of the garden must also be used on the following:

The rooms should be well lit, ventilated and heated. Hopefully they are spacious for the kids have room to move freely, in addition to varied and abundant materials.

The patio should be, if possible, rain protection and sun, and safe games.

All parts of the garden walls and floors must be clean.