What are 32nds on a ruler?

What are 32nds on a ruler?

Often you will encounter rulers that do not have a legend which identifies what fraction of an inch is utilized on the scale. The ruler below has a legend of 32nds. which indicates that the smallest graduation or mark is 1/32″. If a ruler has no legend the smallest fraction of an inch will have to be calculated.

What is 1/32 of an inch on a tape measure?

1/32 .03125 0.793750
3/64 .046875 1.190625
1/20 .05 1.270003
1/16 .0625 1.597500

How do you read a 64 inch ruler?

The 1/64 is halfway of the mark you just made from the start of the ruler and 3/64 is half way between the 1/32nd and the 1/16th mark on the ruler. IE all 3 marks are all before the first 16th mark on all rulers. Now 5/64ths is 1/4 the distance between the first and second mark.

How do you read a fractional inch ruler?

The markings on a standard ruler represent the fractions of an inch. The markings on a ruler from the start to the 1″ mark are: 1⁄16“, 1⁄8“, 3⁄16“, 1⁄4“, 5⁄16“, 3⁄8“, 7⁄16“, 1⁄2“, 9⁄16“, 5⁄8“, 11⁄16“, 3⁄4“, 13⁄16“, 7⁄8“, 15⁄16“, and 1”.

How do you measure 32nds?

Look first at the number beside the last inch line before the end of the of the object; that’s the number of inches. To see how many thirty-seconds the object is in addition to the inches, count the number of 1/32 lines beyond the inch mark.

How do you read mm on a ruler?

Locate the zero end of the ruler, and then count each individual mark along the edge of the ruler. Each mark represents 1 millimeter or mm, so counting five marks is the same as counting 5 millimeters, counting 10 marks is the same as counting 10 millimeters and so on.

What is 1/32 as a decimal?

1 / 32 = 0.031.

How do you say the fraction 1 32?

I feel that while “a thirty-second” is a perfectly good way to express 1/32, it’s ambiguous and unusual. I would want to add the slightly archaic “part” onto the end: “a thirty-second part of this pizza” etc.

How do you read a 1/32 tape measure?

If a tape measure has 1/32-inch markings, you can read it more precisely. Some tape measures show both metric and inch marks, so look on the side with inches to find thirty-seconds. Some measuring tapes are marked in thirty-seconds of an inch.

How many marks to the inch can a tape measure Measure?

The measurements on a tape measure are generally 16 marks to the inch. This means you can measure up to 1/16 of an inch. Some tapes measure from 32 to 64 marks to the inch.

How do you read a 1/2 inch ruler?

To read an inch, look for the large numbers. That number is usually in bold, black type. It’s easy to see and refers to the longest of the markings along the edge. The number of lines between inch marks indicate how precise you can get with your tool. To read 1/2-inch measurements, locate the second-longest mark between the longer inch marks.

How do you read a tape measure with fractions?

When reading a tape measure, find the closest whole inch to the end point. Then examine leftover indicator lines to see what fractions of an inch remain. Add those to the whole inches for your total measurement. To read an inch, look for the large numbers. That number is usually in bold, black type.