What are Cariostatic agents?

What are Cariostatic agents?

An ingredient of various dental preparations used to support tooth mineralization and the prevention of dental caries. Monopotassium phosphate.

Which foods have Anticariogenic properties?

Among the types of food mentioned in the literature as having anticariogenic components are black tea (BT), xylitol chewing gum (XCG), and white cheese (WC), all of which are commonly consumed during or after meals by members of the Turkish community.

Which dental cement has Anticariogenic property?

Glass ionomer cements may adhere to enamel or dentine and release fluoride for an anticariogenic effect. Their properties for luting fixed restorations to natural teeth are excellent.

What does non cariogenic mean?

(non-kār’ē-ō-jen’ik), Not producing caries.

Can calculus be removed?

The process of calculus removal is known as debridement. In this process, an expert dentist uses an ultrasonic device or a hand-held scaling tool. The ultrasonic instrument uses high-frequency vibrations along with water to remove the calculus.

What is anticarcinogen?

Anticarcinogen. Anticarcinogens are different from anticarcinoma agents (also known as anticancer or anti-neoplastic agents) in that anticarcinoma agents are used to selectively destroy or inhibit cancer cells after cancer has developed. Interest in anticarcinogens is motivated primarily by the principle that it is preferable to prevent disease…

Why do we need to conduct research on New anticariogenic agents?

It is necessary to conduct basic science, translational, and clinical research on potential new anticariogenic agents in order to stay on the cutting edge of caries prevention. Many natural products contain antimicrobial properties and may provide useful in prevention of biofilm formation.

What are some examples of organic substances with anticariogenic properties?

There has been an increased interest in the properties of some organic substances like chocolate, coffee, and tea, due to anticariogenic activity.

Can anticariogenic proteins improve oral cleaning methods?

Anticariogenic compounds that are able to target the mechanisms of biofilm formation are gaining interest in recent history, and provide effective supplements to typical mechanical oral cleaning methods. Milk proteins have been shown experimentally to interfere with the process of bacterial colonization on surfaces coated in saliva.