What are the 4 quadrants homestuck?
Their understanding of romance is divided into halves, and halved again, producing four quadrants: the FLUSHED QUADRANT, the CALIGINOUS QUADRANT, the PALE QUADRANT, and the ASHEN QUADRANT.
How do you read the quadrants in homestuck?
The Homestuck term “Quadrants” refers to the type of romance experienced by the web comic’s main non-human species, the trolls. This is because, unlike us humans, they have four different types of romantic experiences.
What’s a Matesprit?
When two individuals find themselves in the flushed quadrant together, they are said to be MATESPRITS. Matespritship is the closest parallel to the human concept of romance trolls have. It plays a role in the trolls’ reproductive cycle, just as it does for humans.
What is an auspice homestuck?
Auspisticism is also described as the ashen quadrant and is denoted by the ♣ symbol. An auspistice is a “facilitator” of some sort between a pair, mediating interactions between them and keeping their relationship functional.
What does quadrants mean in Homestuck?
The Homestuck term “Quadrants” refers to the type of romance experienced by the web comic’s main non-human species, the trolls. This is because, unlike us humans, they have four different types of romantic experiences. Their romance can be viewed as one giant square that’s divided in half vertically, and then in half again, horizontally. 2
What is the third quadrant of the Caliginous?
Understand the Caliginous Quadrant: Kismesistude. The third quadrant is the blackrom concupiscent romance known as kismesistude, denoted by the symbol of the spade, <3<. A very common misconception of caliginous relationships is that they hate each other and are in a constant state of trying to kill their kismesis.
What is the third quadrant of romance?
The third quadrant is the blackrom concupiscent romance known as kismesistude, denoted by the symbol of the spade, <3<. A very common misconception of caliginous relationships is that they hate each other and are in a constant state of trying to kill their kismesis. This is not true.
What is the flushed quadrant of romance?
Understand the Flushed Quadrant: Matespritship. The first quadrant and is the redrom concupiscent romance known as Matespritship, denoted by the symbol of the heart, <3. This quadrant is the most similar to normal human romance, as it is based off positive emotions and plays a role in reproduction.