What are the best items for jinx?

What are the best items for jinx?

Stormrazor is a great core item for Jinx, it gives her a lot of attack damage, attack speed and critical strike chance. Infinity Edge is a powerful item for Jinx.

Is AP jinx good?

AP Jinx is a perfectly viable option fore other APC bot or Support. If you are going APC I like to play with an AD support like Jax or Jarvan just to buff her damage that tiny bit late game. Her early to mid game is where she is strongest.

What is jinx ULT?

Jinx plays a marksman role in League of Legends. She’s a long-range champion with two kinds of basic attacks, trap ability and rocket target projectile ultimate dealing heavy damage.

What does saying Jinx mean?

one that brings bad luck
Definition of jinx (Entry 1 of 2) : one that brings bad luck also : the state or spell of bad luck brought on by a jinx.

What Rune should Jinx use?

Attack Jinx Rune Build Use Conqueror as your Keystone Rune for this Jinx build because it will increase her damage with each attack. This compliments her skill set’s existing stacking nature and will help to further boost it.

Is Jinx’s tier?

Jinx Build 12.7 ranks as an A-Tier pick for the Bottom Lane role in Season 12. This champion currently has a Win Rate of 51.76% , Pick Rate of 4.39% (High), and a Ban Rate of 0.29% (Low).

What roles can Jinx play?

Position/Role Jinx is a Marksman or ADC and plays bottom lane. Unlike some Attack Damage Carries (ADC), Jinx cannot really fill another role, playing her in top would be suicide since she has no real escape and playing her in mid would not be advisable, since she takes a while to ramp up in damage.

Is Jinx Magic LOL?

Active: Jinx tosses out 3 Chompers at the target location that land in a perpendicular line after 0. 4 seconds, arming after 0. 5 seconds, and exploding after 5 seconds, dealing magic damage to all enemies within a small area.

What is a jinx example?

To jinx is defined as to bring someone bad luck. An example of jinx is to tell someone that they won’t do well at a competition. verb. 1. To bring bad luck to.