What are the functions of hepatic Caeca?
At the junction of foregut and midgut, there are 4-6 fingerlike structures called hepatic caeca. They are thin, transparent blind tubules arranged in rosette fashion in the anterior part of the stomach. Their function is to secrete digestive juices.
What is the function of midgut in cockroach?
The insect midgut plays critical roles in digestion and nutrient uptake as well as detoxification and oxidative stress responses. These roles are essential for environmental adaptation.
What is the function of pharynx in cockroach?
Behind the mouth a well musculated organ called Pharynx is present which pushes the food into oesophagous. Pharynx acts as a sucking pump in sap feeders. Oesophagous is a narrow tube which conducts food into crop. Crop is the dilated distal part of oesophagus acting as food reservoir.
What is the role of the gastric caeca in a grasshopper?
Food travels through the esophagus to the crop. The muscular crop grinds the food into fine particles for final digestion. When released from the crop by a muscular sphincter the food enters the stomach. Here digestive enzymes released by the gastric ceca mix with the food and digestion begins.
What does the proventriculus do in insects?
In some insects, the crop opens posteriorly into a muscular proventriculus. This organ contains tooth-like denticles that grind and pulverize food particles. The proventriculus serves much the same function as a gizzard in birds.
What is the function of the midgut?
It is thought to produce and secrete most of the digestive enzymes and components of the peritrophic matrix and is thus the first site of digestion. Nutrients are also absorbed, making the midgut a kind of “gateway organ” that provides nutrients to the rest of the body.
What is the function of proventriculus?
Stomach (Proventriculus/Gizzard): Principally the organ where food is broken into smaller units. It has two parts: the proventriculus for storage and the gizzard. The gizzard is a muscular part of the stomach that uses grit to grind grains and fiber into smaller particles.
What is the function of a filter chamber?
The filter chamber is thought to function in osmo- regulation by allowing excess water, ions, and soluble carbohydrates to flow directly from the esophagus/ filter chamber into the posterior portion of the diges- tive system (hindgut).
What is the function of the pharynx in a grasshopper?
Allows and pulls food into the body. Behind the mouth, before the esophagus. Its muscles push food down the esophagus.
What is the function of the Ventriculus?
Ventriculus. The ventriculus, or muscular stomach (also known as the “gizzard”), contains two opposing sets of muscles used for grinding food. The epithelium secretes keratinous fluid that hardens to provide a surface against which food may be ground.
What does the proventriculus secrete?
The cranial proventriculus (glandular stomach) is thin-walled and lined with mucus-secreting columnar epithelial cells and oxynticipeptic cells, which secrete hydrochloric acid and pepsinogen.
What is the meaning of a proventriculus?
Definition of proventriculus 1 : the glandular or true stomach of a bird that is situated between the crop and gizzard. 2 : a muscular dilatation of the foregut in most mandibulate insects that is armed internally with chitinous teeth or plates for grinding food.