What are the top 5 highest paying majors?

What are the top 5 highest paying majors?

50 Highest-paying College Majors

  1. Computer Science. Median Base Salary: $70,000.
  2. Electrical Engineering. Median Base Salary: $68,438.
  3. Mechanical Engineering. Median Base Salary: $68,000.
  4. Chemical Engineering. Median Base Salary: $65,000.
  5. Industrial Engineering.
  6. Information Technology.
  7. Civil Engineering.
  8. Statistics.

What major pays the most money?

Petroleum Engineering
Highest Paying Jobs With a Bachelor’s Degree

Rank Major Mid-Career Pay
Rank:1 Petroleum Engineering Mid-Career Pay:$187,300
2 Operations Research & Industrial Engineering Mid-Career Pay:$170,400
3 Electrical Engineering & Computer Science (EECS) Mid-Career Pay:$159,300
4 Interaction Design Mid-Career Pay:$155,800

What majors lead to the highest paying jobs?

The 12 Highest Paying College Majors

  • Engineering. Starting salary: $70,000 – 95,000 depending on specialty.
  • Computer Science. Starting salary: $67,000.
  • Mathematics. Starting salary: $62,000.
  • Business Operations Research. Starting salary: $77,900.
  • Political Economics.
  • Business Analytics.
  • Pharmacist.
  • Aeronautics.

What is the best career field to major in right now?

Physical Therapy.

  • Nursing.
  • Construction Management.
  • Electrical Engineering.
  • Medical Technology.
  • Medical Assistance.
  • Chemical Engineering. The field of engineering is in the limelight at present.
  • Computer Information Systems. Computer majors are gaining in popularity and employment potential as well.
  • What are easy majors that pay well?

    In this article, we’ve listed 12 easiest college majors that pay well….12 Easiest College Majors That Pay Well

    1. English Major.
    2. Criminal Justice Major.
    3. Psychology Major.
    4. Anthropology Major.
    5. Philosophy Major.
    6. Creative Writing Major.
    7. Communication Major.

    What majors get a lot of money?

    College Majors That Make the Most Money

    • Computer Science. Technology is a major player when it comes to industries with the highest starting salaries.
    • Engineering.
    • Math and Sciences.
    • Social Sciences.
    • Business.
    • Agriculture and Natural Resources.
    • Communications.
    • Humanities.

    What major is guaranteed a job?

    In demand degrees with guaranteed Jobs in USA

    • Engineering. Engineering is one of the highest-paid and In demand degrees in the USA.
    • Medicine. The US is recognized for its top-level medical education or medical infrastructure.
    • Pharmacology.
    • Business Administration.
    • Computer Science.
    • Accounting.
    • Economics.
    • Psychology.

    What majors are in demand 2021?

    Most In-Demand Degrees

    1. Pharmacology. For a lucrative career helping people, pharmacology is at the top of the list for in-demand degrees.
    2. Computer Science.
    3. Health Science.
    4. Information Technology.
    5. Engineering.
    6. Business Administration.
    7. Finance.
    8. Human Resources.

    How can I make 60000 a year?

    20 Jobs Where You Can Make $60,000 Out of College

    1. Public Relations Specialist. Median annual salary in 2018: $60,000.
    2. Respiratory Therapist.
    3. High School Teacher.
    4. Human Resources Specialist.
    5. Conservation Scientist or Forester.
    6. Film and Video Editor.
    7. Compensation, Benefits and Job Analysis Specialist.
    8. Market Research Analyst.

    What is the toughest major in college?

    Introducing the 13 Hardest College Majors

    • #8: Biochemistry or Biophysics.
    • #7: Astronomy.
    • #6: Physics.
    • #5: Cell and Molecular Biology.
    • #4: Biomedical Engineering.
    • #3: Aero and Astronautical Engineering.
    • #2: Chemical Engineering.
    • #1: Architecture. Average Hours Spent Preparing for Class Each Week: 22.20.

    Which majors pay the highest?

    So which majors really pay the highest? Through an analysis of hundreds of thousands of resumes and corresponding salary reports, Glassdoor has determined which majors pay the most during the first five years out of college. While STEM majors take most of the top spots, other majors can also pay you generously.

    How much money do engineering majors make?

    Engineering mechanics, physics, and science majors had an average annual total income of $129,100, and 33,900 have at least a bachelor’s degree in this field. 8. Engineering and industrial management majors had an average annual total income of $129,330, and 42,600 have at least a bachelor’s degree in this field.

    Do all majors pay the same?

    But when it to comes to your earning potential, not all degrees are created equal. So which majors really pay the highest? Through an analysis of hundreds of thousands of resumes and corresponding salary reports, Glassdoor has determined which majors pay the most during the first five years out of college.

    What are the best college majors to get a high-paying job?

    “If college students want to land a high-paying job after graduation, they should strongly consider majoring in science, technology, engineering, or math,” says Dr. Andrew Chamberlain, Glassdoor Chief Economist.