What are the types of merchant banking?

What are the types of merchant banking?

Types of Merchant Banking

  • Public Sector Merchant Banks. Commercial Banks (public) National Financial Institutions. State Financial Institutions.
  • Private Sector Merchant Banks. Foreign Banks. Indian Private Banks. Leasing Banks. Finance and investment companies.

What is merchant banking and its functions?

Merchant Banking is a combination of Banking and consultancy services. It provides consultancy to its clients for financial, marketing, managerial and legal matters. Consultancy means to provide advice, guidance and service for a fee. It helps a businessman to start a business. It helps to raise (collect) finance.

What are the four categories of merchant bankers?

The SEBI has classified ‘merchant bankers’ under four categories for the purpose of registration:

  • Category I Merchant Bankers:
  • Category II Merchant Bankers:
  • Category III Merchant Bankers:
  • Category IV Merchant Bankers:

What is merchant banking with example?

In the United States, merchant banks are financial institutions that execute large transactions and international deals. The popular examples of world merchant banks are Citigroup, J.P. Morgan, and Goldman Sachs.

What is another name for merchant bank?

What is another word for merchant bank?

bank lender
mortgagee depository
repository thrift
commercial bank countinghouse
exchequer finance company

What are the qualities of merchant banker?


  • Ability to analyse.
  • Abundant knowledge.
  • Ability to built up relationship.
  • Innovative approach.
  • Integrity.
  • Capital Market facilities.
  • Liaisoning ability.
  • Cooperation and friendliness.

What are the qualities of a merchant banker?

Characteristics of Merchant Banking:

  • The high proportion of decision-makers as a percentage of total staff.
  • Quick decision process.
  • Also, The high density of information.
  • Intense contact with the environment.
  • Loose organizational structure.
  • A concentration of short and medium-term engagements.

What is Issue management in merchant banking?

Issue Management – Management of issues refers to effective marketing of corporate securities viz., equity shares, preference shares and debentures or bonds by offering them to public. Merchant banks act as intermediary whose main job is to transfer capital from those who own it to those who need it .

What are the qualities of successful merchant banker?

Who is a category 1 merchant banker?

Category I Merchant bankers can act as an issue manager, advisor, consultant, underwriter and portfolio manager. They carry out the activity of the issue management, preparation of the prospectus, determining financial structure, a tie-up of financiers and final allotment.

What is the structure of merchant banking?

The main functions of merchant banks are issue management, portfolio management and corporate counselling, whereas an investment bank is a banking institution that deals with established firms and helps them gain their long-term capital requirement, by acting as an intermediary between the company and investors.

What are the services of merchant banking?

Key Takeaways. A merchant bank is a financial institution that provides services like fund-raising, venture capital financing, underwriting, loan syndication, investment advice, portfolio management, and issue management.