What are wow WeakAuras?
Weak Auras is one of the game’s most versatile addons, offering a powerful and flexible framework that allows you to display customizable graphics on the game’s user interface to indicate buffs, debuffs, and other useful information.
How does WeakAuras companion work?
The WeakAuras Companion is a cross-platform (Windows/macOS/Linux) application built to provide the missing link between Wago and the WeakAuras World of Warcraft addon. It enables you to fetch updates to the auras you have installed directly from Wago, without having to manually copy-paste import strings all the time.
How do I get to WeakAuras?
To open WeakAuras simply type ‘/wa’ into your chat bar and hit enter. This pulls up everything you need for WeakAuras. This is split into two sections, the left is Auras you already have, and the right is the setting for those auras.
Can you make WeakAuras clickable?
Clickable weakauras are not officially supported. There are some good examples that don’t do anything game-wise, like the popular visions of nzoth potion tracker where the click only records the poison, but doing anything that requires a secure action, such as casting, is not for a weakaura.
Where are WeakAuras saved?
If you’re just installing the client to fix a game data issue or to a new install, copy the WTF folder directly. Your WeakAuras are saved in that folder. If you want to start your UI over, search the WTF folder for any files called WeakAuras.
How do I load WeakAuras TBC?
How do I backup my WeakAuras?
For my WeakAuras, I just right-click the group and select “Export to String” and copy/paste the string into a Text File, naming the File for which WeakAura it represents. This is what I do for specific auras if I want them backed up separately from the rest of my UI.
How do I export all my WeakAuras?
For my WeakAuras, I just right-click the group and select “Export to String” and copy/paste the string into a Text File, naming the File for which WeakAura it represents.
Where is Wow WTF folder located?
Finding your Interface and WTF folders If you installed your game into the default location, these files could be found on your C:\ drive in Windows 10 or Applications folder on Mac.
How do you test WeakAuras?
To open WeakAuras simply type ‘/wa’ into your chat bar and hit enter. This pulls up everything you need for WeakAuras.