What can you do with Michelle in GTA 4?

What can you do with Michelle in GTA 4?

Venue Preference: Michelle likes any venue, though her favorites are bowling, darts, pool, the Burger Shot restaurant, diners, and the Cluckin’ Bell restaurant.

Is Michelle in GTA 4 a cop?

In 2008, she is an undercover government agent who works for United Liberty Paper. Before her true identity is revealed, she becomes Niko Bellic’s girlfriend under the alias ‘Michelle’.

How do you impress Michelle in GTA San Andreas?

To get her attention, Carl must have a fat level over 50% and a high sex appeal, although this can be skipped if the player has very high (about 90%) sex appeal or has collected all oysters. Once Michelle becomes Carl’s girlfriend, she can be found at her garage in Downtown San Fierro, usually from 00:00 to 12:00.

Where does Kate McReary like to go?

Restaurants/bars Kate likes: Cluckin’ Bell. Drusilla’s. Steinway Beer Garden. Comrades Bar.

What is the special ability in Grand Theft Auto 5?

The Special Ability is a mechanic in the Grand Theft Auto series appearing in Grand Theft Auto V . Each protagonist has his own unique special ability which is based on his own “specialty”; Michael has the ability to slow down time during shoot-outs, Franklin can slow down time while driving,…

What are the major moral choices in Grand Theft Auto IV?

While in the course of completing the storyline of Grand Theft Auto IV, the player makes a total of ten major choices based on the morality of the player. They are listed below. 1 “First Date” and “Bleed Out” 2 “Ivan the Not So Terrible” 3 “Ruff Rider” 4 “Holland Nights” 5 “The Holland Play” 6…

How many choices are there in Grand Theft Auto 4?

While in the course of completing the storyline of Grand Theft Auto IV, the player makes a total of ten major choices based on the morality of the player. They are listed below.

What does Frank Franklin special ability do in GTA 5?

Franklin Special Ability, from the GTA V Manual. Franklin’s ability, Driving Focus, allows him to slow down time while driving any land vehicle. This allows him to easily take corners at full speed and make precise maneuvers quickly. By enhancing this skill, its maximum storage capacity is increased, which directly affects its duration.