What did fin de siecle mean?
end of century
Fin de Siècle is a French phrase meaning ‘end of century’ and is applied specifically as a historical term to the end of the nineteenth century and even more specifically to decade of 1890s.
What is fin de siecle gothic?
Literally meaning “end of century”, fin de siècle Gothic refers specifically to the Gothic literature of the last two to three decades of the 19th century. There is a pervading sense of instability and unease; an age was coming to an end and things would change, not necessarily for the better.
What movement did fin de siecle impact?
The ideas and concerns developed by fin de siècle artists provided the impetus for movements such as symbolism and modernism.
What are fin de siecle fears?
Greg Buzwell considers the way the novel reflects the fears that haunted late 19th-century society – fears of immigration, sexual promiscuity and moral degeneration.
What does Fin du globe mean?
end of the world
fin du globe French, meaning “end of the world.” peerage a book listing noblemen and their families; peers as a class; rank or title of nobility.
What is the Victorian fin de siecle?
In its simplest definition, “fin de siècle” refers to the end of a century, yet at the end of the 19th century in Britain, the term did not just refer to a set of dates, but rather a whole set of artistic, moral, and social concerns.
Is Dracula fin de siecle?
True, Dracula is a fin-de-siècle novel and deals with the turbulent paradigmatic shift from the Victorian to the modern, and Stoker, by creating the lecherous vampire and his band as the doppelgängers of the sexually sterile and morally pretentious bourgeois types (who are, in fact, inclined to lascivious joys).
What cultural movement does the fin de siecle is associated?
“Fin de siècle” is most commonly associated with French artists, especially the French symbolists, and was affected by the cultural awareness characteristic of France at the end of the 19th century. However, the expression is also used to refer to a European-wide cultural movement.
What types of behavior and interests does fin de siècle describe?
fin de siècle, (French: “end of the century”) of, relating to, characteristic of, or resembling the late 19th-century literary and artistic climate of sophistication, escapism, extreme aestheticism, world-weariness, and fashionable despair.
What does Lord Henry symbolize?
As a result, one cannot help but think of him as a villainous character. However, Lord Henry is never presented in a negative manner. He is clever, charming, and eloquent. One can argue that he represents the devil, drawing a parallel to Faust by his beguiling manner.
What did Dorian Gray do to Adrian Singleton?
Adrian Singleton – A youthful friend of Dorian’s, whom he evidently introduced to opium addiction, which induced him to forge a cheque and made him a total outcast from his family and social set. Victoria, Lady Henry Wotton – Lord Henry’s wife, whom he treats disdainfully; she later divorces him.