What does a liver laceration look like on a CT?
Laceration. Hepatic lacerations are the most common type of parenchymal liver injury and appear as irregular linear or branching low-attenuation areas at contrast-enhanced CT (,Figs 1, ,2) (,17). Lacerations can be classified as superficial (≤3 cm in depth) or deep (>3 cm).
What is a Grade 5 liver laceration?
Grade V: laceration: parenchymal disruption involving >75% of hepatic lobe or >3 Couinaud segments within a single lobe; vascular: juxtahepatic venous injuries (ie, retrohepatic vena cava/central major hepatic veins).
How serious is a liver laceration?
A liver laceration is a tear in the liver tissue. Liver lacerations range in severity from mild to very severe or fatal. Uncontrolled bleeding is the most common problem resulting from liver wounds.
What are the initial assessment priorities for a patient with blunt abdominal trauma?
The initial management of the patient with blunt abdominal trauma should parallel the primary survey of airway, breathing, and circulation. Diagnostic peritoneal lavage remains the cornerstone of triage in patients with life-threatening blunt abdominal trauma.
What is a Stage 3 liver laceration?
A grade III laceration is characterized by a laceration that is > 3 cm of parenchymal depth, a subcapsular hematoma that is > 50% surface area of ruptured subcapsular or parenchymal hematoma, and an intraparenchymal hematoma that is > 10 cm or expanding.
How serious is a cut liver?
It is the most commonly injured organ in abdominal trauma from both blunt and penetrating sources. A liver laceration is a tear in the liver tissue. Liver lacerations range in severity from mild to very severe or fatal. Uncontrolled bleeding is the most common problem resulting from liver wounds.
Is liver wound fatal?
Can a lacerated liver heal on its own?
Treatment for Liver Injury If bleeding from the liver does not stop on its own, surgery to fix the damage and stop the bleeding may be necessary. Your child may need a blood transfusion. Your child will not be allowed to eat right after surgery.
Should CT be used for the diagnosis of blunt liver trauma?
Abstract. The use of helical computed tomography (CT) in the diagnosis and management of blunt liver trauma is mainly responsible for the notable shift during the past decade from routine surgical to nonsurgical management of blunt liver injuries. CT is the diagnostic modality of choice for the evaluation of blunt liver trauma in hemodynamically…
How is blunt abdominal trauma assessed on CT?
Blunt abdominal trauma can cause multiple internal injuries. However, these injuries are often difficult to accurately evaluate, particularly in the presence of more obvious external injuries. Computed tomography (CT) imaging is currently used to assess clinically stable patients with blunt abdominal trauma.
What are the CT findings that suggest liver biloma?
At CT, progressive growth of a well-circumscribed, low-attenuation intraparenchymal or perihepatic collection after liver trauma strongly suggests the diagnosis of biloma (,,,, Figs 27, ,,,,, 28) (, 41 ).
What are the signs and symptoms of blunt liver trauma?
The patient presented with fever and left upper quadrant pain 1 month after sustaining blunt liver trauma. (c) Follow-up contrast-enhanced CT scan reveals a large cystic lesion that had developed in the left upper abdominal cavity.