What does exile mean in the dictionary?

What does exile mean in the dictionary?

noun. expulsion from one’s native land by authoritative decree. the fact or state of such expulsion: to live in exile. a person banished from his or her native land. prolonged separation from one’s country or home, as by force of circumstances: wartime exile.

What word means people in exile?

A person who has been exiled from a country or place. exile. evacuee. outcast. refugee.

What are examples of exile?

An example of exile is when a person is barred from coming back to his country because of crimes committed. An example of exile is when you are sent to your room to be by yourself. The condition or period of being forced to live away from one’s native country or home, especially as a punishment.

What does exile mean in history?

exile and banishment, prolonged absence from one’s country imposed by vested authority as a punitive measure. It most likely originated among early civilizations from the practice of designating an offender an outcast and depriving him of the comfort and protection of his group.

Why was the Greek royals exiled?

Overthrown Royals Following a failed countercoup, Constantine, Anne-Marie, and their two first-born children left Greece and headed abroad to safety. They would remain in exile for several decades, only returning to their homeland in recent years.

When someone is exiled?

If someone is exiled, they are living in a foreign country because they cannot live in their own country, usually for political reasons. His second wife, Hilary, had been widowed, then exiled from South Africa.

What is a place of exile called?

If you are exiled from a place, you must leave and not return. Such punishment is called exile. For example, after he was removed from power, Napoleon lived in exile on the island of Elba.

What is the purpose of exile?

Exile is primarily penal expulsion from one’s native country, and secondarily expatriation or prolonged absence from one’s homeland under either the compulsion of circumstance or the rigors of some high purpose.

What does exile mean in magic?

Exile is a game zone outside the field of play. It is also a keyword action, meaning “put into the exile zone”. Exile was known as “removed from the game” before it was renamed as part of the Magic 2010 rules update. Advertisement.