What does it mean to be a Kandi Kid?
Also known as ‘Candy Ravers’ or ‘Kandi Ravers’, Kandi kids are a subculture consisting of Electronic Dance Music (EDM) enthusiasts. Having dedicated aliases or ‘rave names’, Kandi kids profess their love for both techno and happy hardcore sub-genres of EDM.
What does PLUR mean in Kandi?
peace, love, unity, and respect
Kandi is a distinctive and unique part of rave culture and is designed to be given away or traded away as a sign of PLUR culture – peace, love, unity, and respect.
What is the purpose of Kandi at raves?
According to these loved-up BFFs, people exchange Kandi at raves as a sign of appreciation for their besties. This ritual is called P.L.U.R., which stands for Peace Love Unity Respect.
Is Kandi a drug?
While MDMA and other drugs are still a big part of raving, Kandi now symbolizes a presence against harm, anger and violence. Kandi Kids often go out of their way to make sure strangers are safe, handing out water and making sure everyone keeps cool.
How do you wear a Kandi bracelet?
Kandi worn on the right arm are for trade, while the left arm is off limits. Generally speaking, anything on the right arm is available for trade and the ones that are not tradeable are on the left. The ones on the left may be singles the person has received or have special meaning to them.
What is a PLUR girl?
September 09, 2020. PLUR is a term commonly used by ravers and festival goers that stands for Peace, Love, Unity, and Respect.
What is the PLUR handshake?
PLUR is a huge staple in the EDM community, and it stands for Peace Love Unity Respect. In this brief video I demonstrate how to do the PLUR Handshake (Peace Love Unity Respect Handshake) Follow Me Here⤵️ 🎵My Electronic Music: Buy Marc Freccero merchandise.
Why do people wear masks in raves?
Rave masks offer a bit of anonymity that allows you to cut loose and vibe with your friends without worrying about your boss seeing pictures of you in your rave outfit.
Why is Kandi so popular?
Originating in the early ’90s, kandi soon became an endemic fixture in the rave scene. Ravers made and traded the little handmade bead bracelets as a show of friendship and solidarity. EDC Las Vegas has a particular fondness for kandi, as do many American festivals.
Why is it called Kandi rave?
Kandi bracelets were first made and worn by drug dealers in the early 1990s. Drug dealers would go to raves hiding drugs like ecstasy and LSD on them and wear an arm-full of these bright bracelets so that other ravers could identify them and buy some of their product.