What does it mean to have burdens?
(bɜrdən ) Word forms: burdens, burdening, burdened. countable noun. If you describe a problem or a responsibility as a burden, you mean that it causes someone a lot of difficulty, worry, or hard work.
What are some examples of burdens?
Just consider all the things that weigh down our hearts and lives: death, loss, illness, worry, politics, financial hardships, grief, guilt, marital tension, traumatic events. Each a weight that we carry on our shoulders. Many of these burdens are inevitable and entirely outside our realm of control.
What does a burden person mean?
to give someone problems, trouble, or responsibilities: He was burdened with debts.
What is the synonym of burden?
responsibility, onus, charge, duty, obligation, liability. trouble, care, problem, worry, anxiety, tribulation, affliction, trial, difficulty, misfortune, strain, stress, encumbrance, millstone, cross to bear, albatross.
Is burden a bad word?
Burden is one of those words that doubles as a noun and a verb. Defined as something you carry or withstand with much difficulty when used as a noun, and as the act of weighing down, overloading, or oppressing when used as a verb, it’s a word with a negative charge.
What does burden mean in a relationship?
The moral of the story Own that you’re a burden to your partner by speaking up honestly and vulnerably about your triggers, and, own your inner work by taking full responsibility for your triggers and what you need to work through them. Let yourself be a burden to your partner and then let love meet you.
Whats the opposite of a burden?
Opposite of a misfortune or affliction that causes worry, hardship, or distress. alleviation. relief. mitigation. abatement.
What does it mean to feel like a burden?
Needing support to manage physical or mental health issues. Depending on others for emotional or financial support. Being negative or depressed around others. Letting people down or bringing shame on others. Relapsing into addiction or negative behaviours.
Does burden mean theme?
A repeated, central idea; theme. The burden of a speech. Anything one has to bear or put up with; heavy load, as of work, duty, responsibility, or sorrow. A principal or recurring idea; a theme.
Can love be a burden?
A loving relationship isn’t about giving up your likes, dislikes, ambitions, friends, dreams, and life for another. If it was, then love would certainly be a burden.
How do I stop being a burden on my partner?
Speak openly to those you trust, and let them reassure you. Focus, too, on improving those relationships so that there is greater trust and better communication. When you feel actively loved and appreciated by another person, you are less likely to feel like a burden.
What is financial burden?
Listen to pronunciation. (fy-NAN-shul BUR-den) In medicine, a term used to describe problems a patient has related to the cost of medical care.