What does Luxol Fast Blue Stain for?
Luxol Fast Blue Stain Kit (Myelin Stain) ab150675 is designed for staining myelin/myelinated axons and Nissl bodies on formalin fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue as well as frozen tissue. This product is used for identifying the basic neuronal structure in brain or spinal cord sections.
What does Fast Blue stain?
Luxol fadt blue stain (LFB) is used to visualize myelin in nerve tissue. Thanks to this staining, it is possible to visualize the myelin and the fatty substance of the brain called white matter which includes the axons of the nerve cells.
What does a myelin stain do?
LFB is a myelin sheath stain that stains phospholipids (the main constituents of the myelin sheath around nerve processes) blue. Luxor is the name of a city in Egypt where the blue dye is collected. The myelin-rich cerebral white matter is stained blue.
What is Kluver Barrera stain?
Cresyl violet-Luxol fast blue This combination stain is also called the Kluver-Barrera method and is commonly used to stain nervous tissue. The stain consists of cresyl violet, which stains basophilic structures similarly to hematoxylin, and luxol fast blue which stains the myelin sheath turquoise.
What does white matter do in the brain?
In the most general sense, the gray matter of the brain facilitates information processing, and the white matter facilitates information transfer; both are critical for efficient operation of the neural networks responsible for a specific mental domain.
What is the fixative used when using Luxol fast blue PAS hematoxylin stain for myelin?
The myelin, including phospholipids, will be stained blue to green, and the neurons will be stained violet. This stain is commonly used for identifying the basic neuronal structure in brain or spinal cord tissue. Fixation: 10% formalin.
What does Alcian blue stain for?
Alcian Blue is a stain that is used to visualize acidic epithelial and connective tissue mucins. Mucins are a type of carbohydrate and are found in the GI tract and respiratory tract. Acidic mucins have a negative charge.
Which stain is best for glycogen?
The selective staining of glycogen by Best’s Carmine and the other dyes used in a similar manner (e.g. Alizarin Brilliant Blue BS, Alizarin Red S, Gallein and Haematoxylin) is due to hydrogen bonding between phenolate (−O−) groups of the dye and glycogen hydroxyl groups.
What does cresyl violet stain?
Cresyl Violet Acetate solution is used to stain Nissl substance in the cytoplasm of neurons in paraformaldehyde or formalin-fixed tissue. The neuropil will be stained a granular purple-blue. This stain is commonly used to identify the neuronal structure in brain and spinal cord tissue.
Can white matter in the brain be repaired?
White matter injuries are very serious, but, depending on the type and extent of the injury, extensive recovery may occur. As long as the neuron cell bodies remain healthy, axons can regrow and slowly repair themselves.
Which solution is added in Zenkers solution before use?
Zenker is usually made with 50g of mercuric chloride, 25g of potassium dichromate, 10g of sodium sulfate (decahydrate) and distilled water to complete 1000 ml. Before use, 5 ml glacial acetic acid is added to 100 ml of the solution. Both the stock solution and the complete Zenker fixative are stable for many years.