What does SnapMirror quiesce do?

Description. The snapmirror quiesce command disables future transfers for a SnapMirror relationship. If there is no transfer in progress, the relationship becomes “Quiesced” . If there is a transfer in progress, it is not affected, and the relationship becomes “Quiescing” until the transfer completes.

What are the steps need to perform to configure SnapMirror?

  1. Create an aggregate.
  2. Decide where to provision the new volume. Create a basic SVM.
  3. Create and configure a volume.
  4. Create a share and setting its permissions.
  5. Create an export policy for the volume.
  6. Verify SMB client access.
  7. Verify NFS access from a UNIX administration host.
  8. Configure and verify CIFS and NFS client access.

How do you reset the aborted SnapMirror?


  1. Use the snapmirror show command to verify that the SnapMirror operations have resumed.
  2. If any of the SnapMirror operations have not resumed, abort the transfer: snapmirror abort -destination-path destination -h.

How do you get a SnapMirror relationship?

Description. The snapmirror create command creates a SnapMirror relationship between a source and destination endpoint. You can use this command to create a data protection relationship, an extended data protection relationship, or a load-sharing relationship between FlexVol volumes.

What is SnapMirror resync in netapp?

The snapmirror resync command enables you to reestablish a broken SnapMirror relationship without a lengthy baseline transfer. Resynchronization of FlexVol volumes. If there are any changes on the destination system that you need to replicate to the source, you can use qtree SnapMirror to resynchronize data.

How do I delete a SnapMirror relationship on Netapp?

Deleting the SnapMirror relationship

  1. From the destination cluster, identify the SnapMirror relationship between the source SVM that no longer exists and its destination SVM by using the snapmirror show command.
  2. Delete the SnapMirror relationship by using the snapmirror delete command.

What is DP and XDP in NetApp?

“DP” are block-based and uses BRE (Block Replication Engine) “All the rest of it”, (file-based) i.e XDP, SnapVault and version independent SnapMirror uses LRE (Logical Replication Engine) BRE (suited for disaster type of scenario) = Tracks each “block” and is unaware of file-system structure.

What protocol does SnapMirror use?

Supported features In ONTAP 9.5 and later, SnapMirror Synchronous technology supports the NFSv3, FC, and iSCSI protocols over all networks for which the latency does not exceed 10ms.

What is SnapMirror resync in NetApp?

How do you break a SnapMirror when source is unavailable?


  1. Expand the Storage Virtual Machines hierarchy in the left navigation pane.
  2. Select the SVM that contains the destination volume and click Protection.
  3. Select the mirror relationship that you want to break.
  4. Click Operations > Break .
  5. Select the confirmation check box and click Break.

How do I get rid of Snapmirror relationship?

You can use the snapmirror delete and snapmirror release commands to delete an SVM replication relationship. You can then delete unneeded destination volumes manually. The snapmirror release command deletes any SnapMirror-created Snapshot copies from the source.

How do I use SnapMirror quiesce?

The snapmirror quiesce command must be used from the destination Vserver or cluster. The relationship must exist on the destination Vserver or cluster. When issuing snapmirror quiesce, you must specify the destination endpoint. The specification of the source endpoint of the relationship is optional.

How to quiesce the SnapMirror relationship with the destination endpoint?

To quiesce the SnapMirror relationship with the destination endpoint vs2.example.com:dept_eng_mirror2, type the following command: For relationships with “Relationship Capability” of “Pre 8.2”, to quiesce the SnapMirror relationship with the destination endpoint cluster2://vs2.example.com/dept_eng_mirror2, type the following command:

How to quiesce the synchronous SnapMirror consistency group relationship in PVR?

Under PVR control to quiesce the synchronous SnapMirror Consistency Group relationship with the destination Consistency Group cg_dst in Vserver vs2.example.com, type the following command: vs2.example.com::> snapmirror quiesce -destination-path vs2.example.com:/cg/cg_dst