What does SOG mean Vietnam?

What does SOG mean Vietnam?

The Military Assistance Command, Vietnam, Studies and Observations Group (MACV-SOG) was activated, January 24, 1964, to function as a joint special operations task force.

Did MACV-SOG have Marines?

Composed of Army Special Forces operators, Navy SEALs, Recon Marines, and Air Commandos, SOG also worked closely with the Intelligence Community, often running missions at the request of the CIA.

What is the SOG team?

The Special Operations Group (SOG) is comprised of 10 officers who are specially trained in tactical operations. The members are made up of volunteers from the sworn officers of the department.

What did MACV-SOG do in Vietnam?

Military Assistance Command, Vietnam, Studies and Observations Group (MACV-SOG) was a highly classified, multi-service United States special operations unit which conducted covert unconventional warfare operations prior to and during the Vietnam War.

Who made up MACV SOG?

Activated in January of 1964, SOG was a joint services unit composed of members from all four branches of the armed forces, including Navy SEALs, Marine Recons, Air Force Special Operations pilots of the 90th Special Operations Wing, but predominantly Army Special Forces.

Was MACV SOG Green Berets?

Military Assistance Command Vietnam-Studies and Observations Group (MACV-SOG) was a highly secret outfit comprised of Green Berets, Navy SEALs, and Air Commandos who conducted covert cross-border operations deep into Cambodia, Laos, and North Vietnam.

When was MACV declassified?

The force’s casualty rate exceeded 100% – every single SOG officer was wounded at least once, and over half of the force was killed in action [source]. MACV-SOG was ultimately deactivated on the 29th of March 1973 [source]. Subsequently, this became the US National Vietnam War Veterans Day from 2017.

When did MACV-SOG disband?

1 May 1972
The unit was formally disbanded and replaced by the Strategic Technical Directorate Assistance Team 158 on 1 May 1972. At its peak, SOG had about 2,000 members. An estimated 7,800 men served in SOG over its eight-year existence.

How much ammo did MACV-SOG carry?

Meyer also recounts in his book that he would carry approximately 612 rounds for his CAR-15, 12 40mm rounds for his M79, and approximately a dozen fragmentation grenades, as well as a pair of V-22 mini grenades.

How many members does MACV-SOG have?

The unit was formally disbanded and replaced by the Strategic Technical Directorate Assistance Team 158 on 1 May 1972. At its peak, SOG had about 2,000 members. An estimated 7,800 men served in SOG over its eight-year existence.

Where did special operations take place in Vietnam?

Special operations were conducted in North Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, and South Vietnam.” Photo courtesy of Soldier Systems Daily. Due to the unconventional nature of their missions and the availability of certain resources, the gear these men carried did not fall in line with the equipment typically carried by the regular Army.

What was SOG in Vietnam?

Try again. Code-named the Studies and Observations Group, SOG was the most secret elite U.S. military unit to serve in the Vietnam War—so secret its very existence was denied by the government.

How many recon teams did the US Army have in Vietnam?

Each FOB fielded approximately 30 recon teams which were named after US States, Snakes and Tools. Recon teams that got into difficulty could call for assistance from US led reaction forces known as “HATCHET FORCES”, these were of platoon size and consisted of 5 US SF and about 30 indigenous personnel.

What was the role of the team in the Vietnam War?

The team’s mission was to penetrate the target area, gather intelligence, and remain undetected as long as possible. Communication was maintained with a forward air control (FAC) aircraft, which would communicate with USAF fighter-bombers if the necessity, or the opportunity to strike lucrative targets, arose.