What does the acronym NLT mean?

What does the acronym NLT mean?


Acronym Definition
NLT Not Later Than
NLT New Living Translation (of the Bible)
NLT Northern Light Technologies (various locations)
NLT No Later Than

What do the initials fine mean?

I wish I could take credit for the f.i.n.e. acronym. The acronym stands for “freak out, insecure, neurotic, and emotional” or, “feelings inside not expressed.” The words we use convey so much more meaning than what we’re actually sharing.

What does NTL mean in texting?

Summary of Key Points

Definition: Never-The-Less
Type: Abbreviation
Guessability: 2: Quite easy to guess
Typical Users: Adults and Teenagers

What is the Fullform of fine?

FINE. Feeling Insecure, Neurotic and Emotional.

What is the meaning of ESV?

the English Standard Version
ESV is an abbreviation of the English Standard Version, a translation of the Bible.

What does fine mean in a text?

The Internet Slang, Chat Texting & Subculture Acronym /Abbreviation/Slang FINE means Freaked Out Insecure Neurotic and Emotional.

What does fine mean in money?

A fine is a punishment in which a person is ordered to pay a sum of money because they have done something illegal or broken a rule. […]

What does NMT stand for in legal terms?


Acronym Definition
NMT National Metering Trial
NMT National Marbles Tournament
NMT Negotiations Management Team (prisons & law enforcement)
NMT No More Text

What does NMT mean in chemistry?

N-Methyltryptamine (NMT) is a member of the substituted tryptamine chemical class and a natural product which is biosynthesized in the human body from tryptamine by certain N-methyltransferase enzymes, such as indolethylamine N-methyltransferase. It is a common component in human urine.