What does the blue pill do?

What does the blue pill do?

How does the little blue pill work? The Viagra pill contains an ingredient called sildenafil (Viagra is just the brand name). By relaxing the muscle cells in the penis, Viagra increases blood flow to the penis which helps achieve an erection.

How long does the little blue pill last?

The effects of Viagra can last 4 to 8 hours, depending on the individual person and the dose you take. In fact, some people may experience more than one erection during this time. However, just because Viagra can stay in your body for up to 8 hours doesn’t mean your erection should last that long.

What is the side effects of the blue pill?

Does the blue pill cause side effects?

  • headache.
  • flushing (skin redness or feeling hot)
  • stomach ache.
  • blocked nose.
  • dizziness.
  • nausea.
  • hot flushes.
  • changes to sight, including seeing things in blue (cyanopsia) and blurred vision.

How long can the average man stay erect?

Erections typically last a few minutes or, in some cases, up to about a half hour. If you have an erection that lasts more than a four hours (priapism) or one that’s unrelated to sex, talk to your doctor right away or seek emergency care.

What happens when you take Viagra for the first time?

Viagra may not work the first time for everyone. Making sure you’re sexually aroused will increase the probability of it working for you. Once it does start to work, you can expect your erection to last anywhere from two to three hours.

Will you take the blue pill or the Red Pill?

You take the red pill—you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. Remember: all I’m offering is the truth. Nothing more. As narrated, the blue pill will allow the subject to remain in the fabricated reality of the Matrix; the red serves as a “location device” to locate the subject’s body in the real world and to prepare them to be “unplugged” from the Matrix. Once one chooses the red or blue pill, the choice is irrevocable.

Which pill would you take, the red or the Blue?

The red pill is an obvious win-win for anyone over 45 years old including myself, and a lose-lose for people below that age because time is the most valuable assets for us humans, with a possible exception if you are serving a long sentence in prison. So let’s rule out the red and look into the implication of the blue one.

What pill would you take red pill or blue pill?

If you are one of the millions of people who have seen the Matrix, then you would remember that Neo was given a choice to take either the red pill – which would open his eyes to reality, or the blue pill – which would keep him living behind rose-colored lenses. What would you have chosen? To live in eternal ignorance or in constant awareness?

What are the side effects of the Little Blue Pill?

You take certain medications. Dangerous drops in blood pressure can occur in men who are taking nitroglycerin for chest pain or tamsulosin hydrochloride ( Flomax) for an enlarged prostate,warns

  • You’re at risk for heart attack or stroke.
  • You have these health conditions.