What does the Share button do on Reddit?

What does the Share button do on Reddit?

The Reddit Share Button is the easiest way to remind and encourage your visitors to save and share your content. Add the Reddit button to your site in just a few clicks, and start tapping into new audiences. Give the button a try!

How do I share a link on Reddit?

Are you asking how to send a link to your Reddit profile to someone else? You just go onto your profile and in the top right you select the share icon (little half-box with an arrow coming out of it) and go to “copy link.”

What does the Share button mean?

DEFINITIONS1. 1. a small image that you click or press that allows you to share social media content. Get share buttons for your website visitors to share content on any social sharing service. Facebook’s Share Button acts similarly to the Like Button.

Does sharing a Reddit link show your account?

No, it won’t. They can see some details like if you’re using Reddit for Android or Reddit for iOS if they look at the URL but not your username. They will -obviously- see your username if you share your own post though.

What counts as a share on Reddit?

What is “total shares?” I see it at the bottom of a post and am told that only I can see it. Those are post insights, they’re just post stats. All mods can see them on posts in their communities. Total shares is how many people have clicked share, shared the content through Link, messages etc.

How do I share a Reddit post on another subreddit?

On the subreddit page, open the post you wish to crosspost. Below the listed content, select the Share button. From the drop-down menu, select the Crosspost option.

How do you tag someone on Reddit?

Add /u/[username] to your comment. Type anything you wish to post, and add the username tag (replacing “[username]” with the Reddit user’s username) anywhere in the comment.

How does the Share icon work?

The Open Share icon conveys the act of sharing by visually representing one hand passing an object to another hand, as in ‘pass it on’ or ‘sharing. ‘ The icon also represents an ‘eye,’ as in ‘look at this.

What does share button look like?

You may not have realized that the icon that looks like a box with an arrow coming out of it is called “Share,” but you probably have figured out that you tap it if you want to send someone a selected photo or the address of the current Web page. Tapping the Share button causes a Share sheet to appear.

When you share a Reddit post does it show your username?

No, it should just be a link to the content/post. Some apps add the title of the post when sending via text but none would ever include your username.

What counts as a view on Reddit?

A view is when someone clicks on the post and is taken to the post landing page. I’m not sure if views only count once, I would assume it would be every visit because it’s a page view counter. People without accounts count.