What happens to Damon in Season 7 finale?
After a touching Salvatore moment, Damon convinced Stefan he needed to go in alone. He got in and retrieved the everlasting with no problems, but then the evil in the vault called to him using the voice of his precious Elena (it was glorious), and he was possessed.
What happens to Damon in vampire Diaries Season 7?
Despite his heroics, Damon falls victim to the evil monster in the Vault along with Enzo when he tried to rescue Damon. After months, the gang discovers that Damon and Enzo have escaped the Vault and killed dozens due to the effects the Vault’s monster has on them.
Where did Damon and Enzo go at the end of Season 7?
However, at the end of the seventh season, Enzo and Damon were captured by the Armory’s creature and they are currently killing people together in order to help feed the creature and bringing it back to its possible, initial form. This brings them closer as Stefan and Bonnie continue to try and save them.
Is Damon dead in the finale?
It’s Damon, and the brothers embrace, together again and at peace. Time has passed, although it’s not clear how much. The implication is that Damon lived a long and happy life and has died, only to be reunited with his younger brother in the afterlife.
Does Damon save Bonnie in season 7?
When the Salvatore brothers can’t find the Everlasting, they decide that it has to be in the vault that they shouldn’t open. Just as Bonnie gets the upper hand on Enzo and he is willing to let himself die, Damon finds the Everlasting and burns it. The curse is broken and Bonnie is saved, saving Enzo at the same time.
Does Damon come back in season 7?
Eventually, under the influence of Stefan, Damon realizes that his messed up life basically roots down to him escaping guilt after having missed his mother when he needed her the most. Finally, Damon returns to the very first vision of hell he had and finds Lily in excruciating pain.
Does Damon date anyone in season 7?
‘The Vampire Diaries’ Recap: Season 7 Episode 21 — Damon Loves Bonnie | TVLine.
Who does Damon end up with?
Elena Gilbert
Elena Gilbert is Damon’s girlfriend after season 4 and wife after season 8. Damon already loved her in begining of the series.
Does Damon take the cure in Season 8?
Stefan explains how he’s not quite sure what happened with Bonnie, but he knows that he took a syringe full of his blood (and the cure for immortality), went back to the tomb where Damon and Katherine were, injected Damon with the cure, and took his place on the highway to Hell.
What happened in the Vampire Diaries Season 7 finale?
The Vampire Diaries season finales are always some of its best hours. Whether they deliver on romantic moments — Bonnie and Enzo! Stefan and Caroline! — or absolutely break your heart — seeing Elena! Stefan and Damon! — they’re known for leaving you emotionally exhausted. And the season 7 finale was no exception.
Does Damon kiss the brunette in the Vampire Diaries?
Back in Salvatore boarding house, Damon gets an unexpected visitor, a brunette (she saved him during one of the ring fights) who comes in and kisses him. Wallowing in emptiness, Damon gazes into her eyes accepting the bitter truth of fate and as a final jolt of mental agony, he bends down to kiss her back.
Does Damon kill Rayna in the Vampire Diaries?
A waitress informs her that it has been three years since Klaus has disappeared. Stefan and Valerie pursue a herb that can hide them from Rayna. With help from Matt, Damon finally captures Rayna and kills her multiple times in order to die permanently.
What did Damon do to Bonnie in the Vampire Diaries?
Damon sees that she is not healing with his blood and gets her hospitalized. As he talks to an unconscious Bonnie, he says that he is deeply hurt to have put her and Stefan’s lives in danger, both of whom tried to save him.