What is a good topic sentence for the American dream?

What is a good topic sentence for the American dream?

(Topic sentence: lead into your topic) The American dream is still attainable in today’s society, because you have the opportunity to work for what you want and achieve your dream and gain financial stability.

What should I write about the American dream?

Narrative and descriptive topics for your American dream paper

  • Choose a life event or accomplishment in the history of the United States that is a part of the American dream;
  • Explain to readers how it’s like for immigrants to achieve their American dream;
  • Describe any person you’re familiar with who made it come true;

What is the American dream motto?

The term “American Dream” was coined by James Truslow Adams in 1931, saying that “life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement” regardless of social class or circumstances of birth.

What does the American dream mean essay?

The American Dream is defined as “the ideals of freedom, equality, and opportunity traditionally held to be available to every American and a life of personal happiness and material comfort as traditionally sought by individuals in the United States” (Definition of American Dream).

Is the American Dream Alive?

In fact, research suggests that a whopping 1.4 million startups were founded between June and September 2020. That’s the biggest number than any other quarter in history! So, with figures like this, it’s easy to say that the American dream is very much still alive and well.

Does the American Dream still exist?

The American Dream does indeed exist; our task is to expand its reach.

What is the American dream in your own words?

Definition of the American dream : a happy way of living that is thought of by many Americans as something that can be achieved by anyone in the U.S. especially by working hard and becoming successful With good jobs, a nice house, two children, and plenty of money, they believed they were living the American dream.

What is another word for the American dream?

“John felt he was living the American dream….What is another word for American dream?

good life bed of roses
life of Riley hog heaven
easy street comfort
luxury the good life
good fortune well-being

Why is the American dream in danger?

Issues like social security solvency, rising income inequality, health coverage, globalization, the mortgage meltdown and immigration are putting pressure on the dream that every American can have a home, a comfortable life, and a secure retirement.

What does the American dream mean today?

According to a recent survey, the definition of the American dream is changing — from the opportunity for material success and social mobility to the “freedom of choice in how to live” — and many believe that they are living it.

What is the American Dream in your own words?

Who Stole the American Dream summary in English?

In Who Stole the American Dream, Smith presents a history and analysis of the 2008 economic crisis and the political ineffectiveness of Congress in correcting the systems that caused it. Hedrick Smith was a journalist at the New York Times when he shared a Pulitzer Prize for his work on the Pentagon Papers series.