What is a Mini Transat boat?

What is a Mini Transat boat?

The Mini Transat race is a transatlantic yacht race for small boats. To be precise the competitors sail boats that are no longer than 6.5m (21 foot), single-handed. In 1977 the British yachting enthusiast, Bob Salmon came up with the idea of this race.

How long is a Mini Transat boat?

21 feet
Mini Transat boats are 21 feet (6.50 m) in length and designed to a strict “box rule,” which limits the overall size of the boat.

What is a Pogo boat?

Pogo: a boat that brings fast fun to normal sailing. These are not racing yachts, but light and stiff (composite sandwich) cruising yachts that can plane away the miles.

How fast is a Mini Transat?

25 knots
Mini Transat 6.50 Its width carries to the stern, providing sufficient stability that the boats can plane as a fast motorboat does: Minis are capable of sailing as fast as 25 knots.

What is a Pogo Mini Transat?

Pogo’s third generation Mini Transat design. Think Mini Transat and the words modest, docile and manageable don’t spring to mind. Instead, these 20ft offshore pocket rockets have a reputation for being lightweight, over canvassed, over powered high performance shoe boxes.

What makes pogo 3 different from other Pogo boats?

The eagerly awaited Pogo 3 was designed by Guillaume Verdier is 70kg lighter and has 25 per cent more power generated largely through a more voluminous hull shape, particularly in her forward sections.

Where can I buy a pogo yacht?

Various Pogo models are currently offered for sale by specialized yacht brokers, dealers and brokerages on YachtWorld, with listings ranging from 2006 year models up to 2019.

What makes the pogo hull so special?

For performance, the hull, drawn by the much-courted Guillaume Verdier, adopts the scow shape currently in vogue everywhere from the Class 40 to the IMOCA 60s. But the Pogo hull has an optimised wetted surface that is claimed to erase the ‘hole’ suffered in light air performance by some other designs.