What is a rectifier derive expressions for ripple factor of a half wave rectifier?

What is a rectifier derive expressions for ripple factor of a half wave rectifier?

For a half wave rectifier, Vrms = Vm/2 and Vdc = Vm/π: where Vrms = rms value of input, Vdc = Average value of input and Vm = peak value of output. , ripple factor r = ( ⁄ ) − 1 = 1.21. During the positive half cycle of the transformer secondary voltage, diode is forward biased and is reverse biased.

What is the principle of half wave rectifier?

Half wave rectifier uses the same principle as PN junction diode and thus converts AC to DC. In a half-wave rectifier circuit, the load resistance is connected in series with the PN junction diode. Alternating current is the input of the half-wave rectifier.

What is formula of efficiency of half wave rectifier?

Efficiency of the Half-wave Rectifier Rectifier efficiency is defined as the ratio of DC power to the applied input AC power. The AC input power is given by: Pac= I2rms(rf + RL) , where rf is diode resistance. Therefore, maximum rectifier efficiency = 40.6%.

What are the applications of half wave rectifier?

A half-wave rectifier is used in soldering iron types of circuit and is also used in mosquito repellent to drive the lead for the fumes. In electric welding, bridge rectifier circuits are used to supply steady and polarized DC voltage.

What is ripple frequency of half wave rectifier?

Therefore, the fundamental frequency of the ripple voltage is twice that of the AC supply frequency (100Hz) where for the half-wave rectifier it is exactly equal to the supply frequency (50Hz).

What is rms value of half wave rectifier?

The RMS value of a half-wave rectified current is 10 Ampere.

Why capacitor is used in half wave rectifier?

In half wave rectifiers, a capacitor or inductor is used as a filter to convert the pulsating DC to pure DC. The output voltage produced by a half wave rectifier is not constant; it varies with respect to time. In practical applications, a constant DC supply voltage is needed.

What is PIV value of half wave rectifier?

V m
Half Wave rectifier: Vm

CIRCUIT Number of Diodes Peak Inverse Voltage (PIV)
Half-Wave Rectifier 1 V m
Center-Tap Full Wave Rectifier 2 2 V m
Bridge-Type Full Wave Rectifier 4 V m

What is ripple and ripple factor?

Ripple factor is defined as. The ratio of RMS value of an alternating current component in the rectified output to the average value of rectified output. The ripple factor is denoted as γ. It is a dimensionless quantity and always has a value less than unity.

What are the disadvantages of half wave rectifier?

The disadvantages of half-wave rectifiers are:

  • They only allow a half-cycle through per sinewave, and the other half-cycle is wasted. This leads to power loss.
  • They produces a low output voltage.
  • The output current we obtain is not purely DC, and it still contains a lot of ripple (i.e. it has a high ripple factor)

What is ripple frequency formula?

Formula : Vd.c. = 0.637 * Vmax Where, Vd.c. = Full Wave Rectifier Vmax = Peak Voltage Ripple Frequency of Full Wave Rectifier is calculated easily using this electrical electronics calculator.

What is the formula for calculating half wave rectifier?

Half Wave rectifier theory. A half wave rectifier clips the negative half cycles and allows only the positive half cycles to flow through the load.

  • Full Wave rectifier theory.
  • Average value of rectifier.
  • RMS value of rectifier.
  • Peak factor of rectifier.
  • Form factor of rectifier.
  • Ripple factor of rectifier.
  • Efficiency of rectifier.
  • What is difference between half wave and full wave rectifier?

    Half wave rectifier current only during positive half cycle of the applied input,therefore,it shows unidirectional characteristics.

  • Output frequency (fundamental ripple frequency) of half wave rectifier is equal to the frequency of input i.e 50Hz.
  • Half wave rectifier has less ripple factor when compared to full wave rectifier.
  • What is the purpose of half wave rectifier?

    A high AC voltage is applied to the primary side of the step-down transformer. The obtained secondary low voltage is applied to the diode.

  • The diode is forward biased during the positive half cycle of the AC voltage and reverse biased during the negative half cycle.
  • The final output voltage waveform is as shown in the figure below:
  • Is full wave rectifier better than half wave one?

    The significant key difference between half wave and full wave rectifier is efficiency. Half wave rectifier is a low-efficiency rectifier while the full wave is a high-efficiency rectifier. Thus, it is always better to use full wave when we are working on the highly efficient application.