What is a Type 1 Incident management Team?

What is a Type 1 Incident management Team?

A Type 1 IMT is deployed as a team of 35-50 to manage incidents of national significance and other incidents requiring a large number of local, regional, state, national, and federal resources over multiple operational periods.

What is a Type 1 fire incident?

Type 1 Incident. A Type 1 incident meets all the characteristics of a Type 2 incident, plus the following: a) All command and general staff positions are activated. b) Operations personnel often exceed 500 per operational period and total personnel will usually exceed 1,000 (numbers are guidelines only).

How many Type 2 teams are there?

There are thirty-five Type 2 IMTs currently in existence, and operate through interagency cooperation of federal, state and local land and emergency management agencies.

What is a Type 3 fire incident?

Type 3. Extended initial attack on wildland fires. IC walks the line between a manager and a ‘doer’ Resources may vary from several single resources to several task forces or strike teams. Some Command/General Staff positions (ie, Division Supervisor, Unit Leader), may be filled.

What is a Level 3 incident?

Level 3 incident: An incident characterised by degrees of complexity and consequence that may require the establishment of significancant resources and structure for the effective management of the situation, and will usually involve delegation of all functions.

What is a Type 3 Incident Management Team?

A Type 3 AHIMT is a multi-agency/multi-jurisdictional team used for extended incidents. It is formed and managed at the local, state or tribal level and includes a designated team of trained personnel from different departments, organizations, agencies and jurisdictions.

What is a Type 4 fire incident?

Type 4. Initial attack or first response to an incident. IC is “hands on” leader and performs all functions of Operations, Logistics, Planning, and Finance. Few resources are used (several individuals or a single strike team) Normally limited to one operational period.