What is ADAP and what is it a requirement of?

The program provides eligible California residents with: Free FDA-approved medications used in the treatment and suppression of HIV/AIDS and HIV/AIDS-related opportunistic infections (for a list of covered medications, please refer to the ADAP Formulary (PDF)

Is Cabenuva covered by ADAP?

In addition, ADAPs may cover medical co-payments associated with the administration of Cabenuva for patients with health insurance.

What is the income limit for ADAP in California?

Be a California resident. Be 18 or older. Have income at or below 500% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL) ($64,400 per year for an individual)

What is OA Hipp?

OA-HIPP is a program that pays monthly health, dental and vision insurance premiums for eligible clients and their family members.

Is ADAP the same as Ryan White?

Under the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) Part B, the AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP) provides FDA-approved medications to low-income people with HIV. These people have limited or no health insurance.

Does Ryan White cover Cabenuva?

Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Assistance In addition, ADAPs may cover medical co-payments associated with the administration of Cabenuva for patients with health insurance.

Can pharmacists administer Cabenuva?

Community pharmacists are the most accessible and first points of health care for most clients. They are trusted, highly trained health care professionals. They should be incorporated and allowed to administer the Cabenuva® injection if the battle against the HIV pandemic is to be totally won.

What does ADAP cover in California?

AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP) helps ensure that people living with HIV and AIDS in California, who are uninsured or under-insured, have access to medication. ADAP pays the prescription costs for medication on the ADAP Formulary for eligible individuals.

What is the HIPP program in PA?

The Health Insurance Premium Payment (HIPP) Program is a program developed to help families, who have at least one person enrolled in Medical Assistance (MA), pay for private health insurance through an employer. HIPP is administered by Pennsylvania’s Department of Human Services (DHS).