What is another name for Phoenix Wright?
For the series, see Ace Attorney. Phoenix ” Nick ” Wright, known as Ryūichi Naruhodō ( Japanese: 成歩堂 龍一, Hepburn: Naruhodō Ryūichi) in the original Japanese language versions, is a fictional defense attorney in Capcom ‘s Ace Attorney video game series.
Why did Phoenix Wright get framed?
In Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Trials and Tribulations, it is revealed that Phoenix was framed for the murder of his girlfriend’s ex-lover while in college. He was defended by Mia Fey, who had not taken a case since her first against Edgeworth the year before.
Who played Phoenix Wright in the 2012 film?
Hiroki Narimiya portrayed Phoenix Wright in the 2012 film. Phoenix Wright appears in a Japanese manga adaptation of the series, written by Kenji Kuroda, illustrated by Kazuo Maekawa and published by Kodansha.
Who is Phoenix Wright on Bridge to the Turnabout?
— Bridge to the Turnabout Phoenix Wright is a veteran defense attorney who heads the Wright Anything Agency. Mostly specializing in criminal trials, Wright is renowned for his ability to turn seemingly hopeless cases around. Beginning his career under Mia Fey in 2016, he was disbarred in 2019 after unknowingly presenting forged evidence.
Is Phoenix Wright in all Ace Attorney games?
Phoenix Wright is the only character to appear in all Ace Attorney games to date (excluding The Great Ace Attorney: Adventures and its sequel ), including the Edgeworth spin-off games and the Professor Layton crossover game Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney.
Is Phoenix Wright in the manga?
Phoenix Wright appears in a Japanese manga adaptation of the series, written by Kenji Kuroda, illustrated by Kazuo Maekawa and published by Kodansha. The series is currently being published in the United States by Kodansha USA. An additional manga, published by Del Rey Manga, was released in the United States.