What is authorized use list?

What is authorized use list?

An Authorized Use List (AUL) is an approved list of HM needed to meet the operational requirements of a Work Center (WC). This Order does not apply to ammunition, explosives, nuclear, radioactive or biological hazardous materials or waste and pharmaceuticals. 2. Mission.

What is an aul in hazmat?

All units, down to the company level, are required to identify all Hazardous Material (HM) necessary to meet daily mission requirements through their AUL in accordance with Policy Memorandum USAG-HI-8, Authorized Use List (AUL).

Who has final approval for hazmat storage locations Navy?

Ship’s HM Coordinator
The Ship’s HM Coordinator must approve the use and final location of all satellite storage lockers on a case-by-case basis.

Which color does National Fire Protection Association?

The system uses a color-coded diamond with four quadrants in which numbers are used in the upper three quadrants to signal the degree of health hazard (blue), flammability hazard (red), and reactivity hazard (yellow).

How many sections must the SDS have?

The information contained in the SDS is largely the same as the MSDS, except now the SDSs are required to be presented in a consistent user-friendly, 16-section format. This brief provides guidance to help workers who handle hazardous chemicals to become familiar with the format and understand the contents of the SDSs.

How do I store my Hazmat in the Navy?

All flammable items must be stored in a flammable locker. Separate oxidizers from reactives, place cylinders in cylinder lockers, ensure liquids have secondary containment.

What information is required on the secondary container label Navy?

There are two mandatory pieces of information which need to be included on the Secondary Labels: the identity of the hazardous chemicals within the product and the hazards, either physical, health-related, or environmental, the components present.

What does a 4 in reactivity mean?

Instability (Reactivity) Five divisions ranging from zero (0) no hazard, to four (4) severe hazards, indicate the degree of severity for each hazard numerically. The square-on-point label contains four colored squares with a number appearing in each square.

What does the NFPA diamond tell you?

The system uses a color-coded diamond with four quadrants in which numbers are used in the upper three quadrants to signal the degree of health hazard (blue), flammability hazard (red), and reactivity hazard (yellow). The bottom quadrant is used to indicate special hazards.

What are the 16 sections of SDS?

Information in the SDS should be presented using the following 16 headings in the order given below:

  • Identification.
  • Hazard(s) identification.
  • Composition/information on ingredients.
  • First-aid measures.
  • Fire-fighting measures.
  • Accidental release measures.
  • Handling and Storage.
  • Exposure controls/personal protection.

What does Chrimp stand for?

The Consolidated Hazardous Material Reutilization and Inventory Management Program (CHRIMP) is a successful methodology used to achieve life cycle hazardous material and control (HMC&M) and pollution prevention (P2) at the command and facility levels.