What is CLOB in DB2?

What is CLOB in DB2?

CLOB : Variable-length character large object string that can be up to 2GB (2,147,483,647) long. A CLOB can store single-byte character strings or multibyte, character-based data. A CLOB is considered a character string.

What is VARCHAR in DB2?

Db2 VARCHAR type is used to store variable-length character strings. To define a variable-length character string column, you use the following syntax: column_name VARCHAR(n) In this syntax, n is a positive integer that represents the maximum length of n bytes that the column can store.

Does DB2 support VARCHAR?

Definition of DB2 VARCHAR Type. DB2 provides the different types of data types to the user, the varchar is also one type of data type that is provided by the DB2. Basically DB 2 varchar data type is used to store the string with variable-length characters.

What is max size of VARCHAR in DB2?

String Length Limits

Item Limit
Max length of CHAR 255 bytes
Max length of GRAPHIC 127 DBCS characters
Max length of BINARY 255 bytes
Max length of VARCHAR 4046 bytes for 4-KB pages 8128 bytes for 8-KB pages 16320 bytes for 16-KB pages 32704 bytes for 32-KB pages

Whats the difference between CLOB and BLOB?

Blob and Clob together are known as LOB(Large Object Type). The following are the major differences between Blob and Clob data types….What is the difference between BLOB and CLOB datatypes?

Blob Clob
Using this you can stores files like videos, images, gifs, and audio files. Using this you can store files like text files, PDF documents, word documents etc.

What is the difference between VAR and VARCHAR?

Yes, the VAR stands for variable length in VARCHAR. To give you an example, CHAR(10) is a fixed-length non-Unicode string of length 10, while VARCHAR(10) is a variable-length non-Unicode string with a maximum length of 10. This means the actual length will depend upon the data.

What is difference between Equi join and natural join?

A natural join is a type of equi join which occurs implicitly by comparing all the same names columns in both tables. The join result has only one column for each pair of equally named columns. In other words, the Natural Join helps to join the two tables based on the same attribute name and the datatypes.

Is VARCHAR alphanumeric?

varchar is datatype for storing alphanumeric values in SQL . The varchar data type holds alphanumeric data; just like char but with flexible size, you just set the maximum number of characters, maximum size is 8,000 character.

What does a negative SQL code indicates?

Negative values indicate an unsuccessful execution with an error. An example is -911, which means that a timeout has occurred with a rollback. Positive value mean a successful execution with a warning. An example is +100, which means that no matching rows were found or that the cursor has reached the end of the table.