What is FIEO stands for?

What is FIEO stands for?

Federation of Indian Export Organisations
About FIEO. The Federation of Indian Export Organisations represents the Indian entrepreneurs spirit of enterprise in the global market.

What is the work of FIEO?

FIEO provides the crucial interface between international trading community of India and the Central and State Governments, financial institutions, ports, railways, surface transport and all engaged in export trade facilitation.

Who is the CEO of FIEO?

Dr. Ajay Sahai
Dr. Ajay Sahai, Director General & CEO, FIEO.

What is FIEO certificate?

FIEO is one of the agencies authorized to issue Non-Preferential Certificate of Origin. FIEO issues Online Non-Preferential Certificate of Origin through two platforms. 1. Common Digital Platform by DGFT – www.coo.dgft.gov.in.

Is FIEO mandatory?

The organisation is not only involved in promoting the export of merchandise, but it also promotes the export of services. FIEO Registration is the mandatory requirement for every exporter in our country through which they can start and continue their international trading.

Is FIEO registration mandatory?

FIEO’s membership rules are governed by the Government of India’s Foreign Trade Policy and FIEO’s Memorandum and Articles of Association. As per the Foreign Trade Policy, an exporter is required to get a Registration-cum-Membership Certificate (RCMC) for availing various benefits under the Policy.

How can I get FIEO certificate?

Documents Required to obtain RCMC/FIEO Registration

  1. Application for Registration –cum- Membership, providing the business line information.
  2. A self-attested copy of the Importer and Exporter Code (IEC) number.
  3. Bank Statement of the applicant.
  4. SSI/IEM certificate, where the applicant is in the business of manufacturing.

How many commodity boards are there in India?

five statutory Commodity Boards
There are five statutory Commodity Boards under the Department of Commerce. These Boards are responsible for production, development and export of tea, coffee, rubber, spices and tobacco.

Who can register with FIEO?

* Companies with export turnover equal to or more than Rs 5.00 Cr will have to Register as Multi-Product Group (Premier)

  • Apply for RCMC/Membership, Renewal, Endorsement online.
  • How to Become a Member of FIEO.
  • Application Form for Registration & Membership – Associate Member Category for Exporters.

How do I apply online for FIEO?

  1. Apply Online for New Membership and RCMC with FIEO.
  2. Apply for Non-Preferential Certificate on FIEO Platform.
  3. Online Renewal of RCMC for FY 2022-2023.
  4. Apply for Preferential and Non-Preferential Certificate to FIEO on Common Digital Platform by DGFT.

How do I start an export business?

To start export business, the following steps may be followed:

  1. Establishing an Organisation.
  2. Opening a Bank Account.
  3. Obtaining Permanent Account Number (PAN)
  4. Obtaining Importer-Exporter Code (IEC) Number.
  5. Registration cum membership certificate (RCMC)
  6. Selection of product.
  7. Selection of Markets.