What is fixed knot fencing?
A fixed knot provides a separate piece of wire to lock together vertical stays to line wire, increasing the strength of the fence. This also allows for wider spacing between posts, thus requiring fewer posts. Toughstrand® Fixed Knot fence does not sag and is flexible when animals lean on it.
Is woven wire stronger than welded wire?
Welded wire, with its strong cross points and inflexible openings is simply more durable and will withstand the test of time better than a woven or chain link fence.
Is woven wire good for cattle?
High-tensile, woven-wire steel mesh with a “fixed knot” is the material of choice for holding cattle, preferred over five-strand barbed wire and hinged-joint fencing for its strength and safety, and most importantly, for its resistance to breach.
What is a monarch knot?
The monarch knot is also known as a “hinge knot,” because it functions like a hinge in the fence. This knot features a vertical wire that wraps around the horizonal wires at each intersection. This gives the fence exceptional flexibility. It may give a little under pressure, but it always snaps back into place.
Is woven wire fence good for dogs?
Safe Fencing for Dogs There are many options for protecting your dog outside your home, but woven wire fencing has proven to be one of the most effective. The physical barrier provides a visual deterrent as well as a secure defense against unwanted visitors.
What is woven wire mesh?
What Is Woven Wire Mesh? Woven wire mesh—also sometimes referred to as woven wire cloth—is created by weaving wire strands in an over-under or under-over method to form different patterns with varying specifications. Some of the most common weave patterns employed include: Plain/square weave. Rectangular weave.
How far apart should fence post be for woven wire?
The most popular woven wire fence design is a 13-48-6 fence with posts spaced every 12 feet. Woven wire fences are often used for both cattle and horses, is popular because it is extremely secure. Animals simply can’t push their way through the woven wire fencing.
How high should a fence be for cattle?
Fence height should be at least 48 inches high to prevent animals from climbing over the fence. Woven wire fence can be used with cattle provided there are several strands of barbed top wires used to prevent the cattle from rubbing the woven wire down.