What is multiple frequency radar?

What is multiple frequency radar?

This mobile radar consists of three polarimetric Doppler subsystems operating at Ku-band (13.4 GHz), Ka-band (35.6 GHz) and W-band (94.92 GHz). This combination of frequency bands allows measurement of a wide range of atmospheric targets ranging from weakly reflecting clouds to strong precipitation.

How multiple frequency CW radar can be used to measure the range of a moving target?

CW radar can measure the instantaneous rate-of-change in the target’s range. This is accomplished by a direct measurement of the Doppler shift of the returned signal. The Doppler shift is a change in the frequency of the electromagnetic wave caused by motion of the transmitter, target or both.

What is CW radar explain the operation of CW radar with neat block diagram?

Block Diagram of CW Radar CW Transmitter − It produces an analog signal having a frequency of fo. The output of CW Transmitter is connected to both transmitting Antenna and Mixer-I. Local Oscillator − It produces a signal having a frequency of fl. The output of Local Oscillator is connected to Mixer-I.

What are various applications of CW radar?

A continuous wave (CW) radar has been used for the detection and classification of people based on the Doppler signatures they produce when walking. When humans walk, the motion of various components of the body including the torso, arms, and legs produce a very characteristic Doppler signature.

What is the main advantage of a CW radar?

The main advantage of CW radar is that energy is not pulsed so these are much simpler to manufacture and operate. They have no minimum or maximum range, although the broadcast power level imposes a practical limit on range.

How can a continuous wave radar system measure the range of the target?

For a CW radar to be able to measure range too, the transmitted signal must be marked on the time axis. Such marking is usually implemented through periodic phase or frequency modulation. The modulation also helps to separate the target-reflected signal from the directly received signal.

What is CW RF?

Both continuous-wave (CW) (left) and pulsed (right) signals are used throughout RF/microwave systems, such as communications and radar equipment, with differences in performance and behavior. An FMCW radar system, with its continuous measuring signals, is capable of good range resolution, often as fine as 0.5 m.

What are the advantages and limitations of CW radar?

Benefits or advantages of CW Radar ➨It is used for wide variety of applications as listed above. ➨It transmits power with lower value and hence does not interfere other wireless devices. ➨It is simple in construction. ➨The performance of CW radar is not affected due to stationary targets.

Which circuit uses frequency hopping?

1 is known as Bluetooth [7], which uses Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS) [5]. In FHSS the message signal is transmitted by rapidly switching among many frequency channels, using a pseudorandom sequence known to both transmitter and receiver.

Is frequency hopping used in GPS?

The Global Positioning System (GPS), another alleged part of Lamarr’s legacy, has always used direct sequencing. Although the early 2G cellular network did use a form of frequency hopping, later networks have employed direct sequencing and orthogonal frequency division multiplexing.

What is a FMCW radar?

A T Principle of FMCW radar M O S frequency-modulated continuous-wave A radar transmitting a continuous carrier modulated by a periodic function such as a sinusoid or sawtooth wave to provide range data (IEEE Std. 686-2008). Modulation is the keyword, since this adds the ranging capability to FMCW radars with respect to unmodulated CW radars.

What is the Doppler frequency for CW radar 11?

CW Radar 11. Doppler frequency for CW radar  fr= fo + fd … if target is coming  fr= fo – fd … if target is moving away  Let R be the distance from radar to target.  Let unit wavelength is for λ distance.  So total no. of wavelength = 2R/λ (two way path)  One wavelength corresponds to 2п radian phase.  So total phase φ= 4пR/λ

How do you calculate the Doppler frequency of a radar?

Doppler frequency for CW radar  fr= fo + fd … if target is coming  fr= fo – fd … if target is moving away  Let R be the distance from radar to target.  Let unit wavelength is for λ distance.  So total no. of wavelength = 2R/λ (two way path)  One wavelength corresponds to 2п radian phase.  So total phase φ= 4пR/λ

What are the different types of Doppler radar?

• Two broad categories of pulsed radar employing Doppler shifts are Moving Target Indicator Radar and Pulse Doppler Radar. 12. Moving Target Indicator Radar • This radar uses Doppler effect .
