What is Obelia polyp?

What is Obelia polyp?

Obelia begins as small, immobile animals which comprise of stalks and tentacles such that they resemble sea anemones. Moreover, these small animals are also known as hydroid polyps. The common term for obelia happens to be sea fur.

Does Obelia have polyp?

Obelia, genus of invertebrate marine animals of the class Hydrozoa (phylum Cnidaria). The genus, widely distributed in all the oceans, is represented by many species. The animal begins life as a polyp—a tentacled, stalklike form resembling a small sea anemone attached to the ocean bottom or some other solid surface.

Is Obelia a medusa or polyp?

Obelia is a genus of hydrozoans, a class of mainly marine and some freshwater animal species that have both polyp and medusa stages in their life cycle.

What are the functions of polyp of Obelia?

Obelia polyps (= zooids) are dimorphic, there being two types in the colony. Gastrozooids are responsible for feeding, which they accomplish by capturing and ingesting zooplankton. Gonozooids are reproductive and produce medusae by asexual budding.

What does Obelia look like?

Obelia bidentata lives in the intertidal areas from Florida to New England. They form tree-like pink colonies, which are 2.5 cm long and irregularly branched. They have small erect hydroids.

What are the characteristics of Obelia?

Obelia Characteristics

  • Obelia is a very tiny marine hydroid with a height of 2 cm or a little more.
  • The obelia’s body has two kinds of filaments which are vertical hydrocaulus and horizontal hydrorhiza.
  • Obelia’s life cycle begins as hydroid polyps.

Which is correct about polyp stage of Obelia?

Obelia is a genus in the class Hydrozoa, which consists of mainly marine and some freshwater animal species and has both the polyp and medusa stages in their life cycle and shows metagenesis.

What class is a Obelia in?

HydrozoansObelia / Class

How many points are correct about Obelia?

Question How many points given below are correct about Obelia? (i) Radial symmetry (ii) Diploblastic (iii) Cellular level of organization (iv) Digestion is intracellular only (v) Exhibit two basic body forms called polyp and medusa.
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Does Obelia have tentacles?

The umbrella shaped creatures have tentacles covered in nematocysts and suctorial pads that assist in capturing prey. Reproduction of Obelia medusae occurs sexually, eggs and sperm uniting to become small larvae surrounded by cilia.

How do you identify Obelia?

[Obelia-medusa] Umbrella flat, with velum minute or lacking (authorities differ). Stomach short, with quadrangular base, without peduncle; mouth with four short simple lips. Radial canals four, straight; they and ring canal narrow, the latter hard to discern.

What is the class of Obelia?

What are the characteristics of polyps in Obelia?

The colony of Obelia has many polyps (Gr., polypus – many-footed) or hydranths (Gr., hydra = water serpent; anthos = flower) or gastro zooids. Each polyp is very much like a miniature Hydra. It has a cylindrical body attached to the axis of the hydrocaulus by its proximal end and free at its distal end.

What is the reproductive structure of Obelia?

The polyp colony reproduces asexually. During this stage of life, Obelia are confined to substrate surfaces. On mature colonies there are individual hydranths called gastrozooids, which can be found expanded or contracted, to aid in the growth of this organism by feeding; the reproductive polyp gonozooids have medusa buds.

What is the function of the Medusa polyp in Obelia?

The polyp produces buds in a regular and orderly manner and the result is a moss-like colony of Obelia bearing the two kinds of hydroid zooids: hydranths and blastostyles. The medusa is a means for dispersal.

What is the life cycle of an Obelia?

Life cycle. The polyp colony reproduces asexually. During this stage of life, Obelia are confined to substrate surfaces. On this mature colony there are individual hydranths called gastrozooids, which can be found expanded or contracted, to aid in the growth of this organism by feeding; the reproductive polyp gonozooids has medusa buds.