What is Shafer sign?
Shafer’s sign alludes to the clinical finding of pigment cells in the vitreous. In the absence of prior ocular surgery, this sign is considered practically pathognomonic of a retinal break or rhegmatogenous detachment. A case of a retinal tear with a positive Shafer’s sign is discussed.
How long does posterior vitreous detachment take to complete?
The posterior vitreous detachment may take 6 to 8 weeks to complete.
How do you assess for Shafer’s sign?
Shafer’s Sign First identified in 1965, the sign is best observed through slit lamp exam by sending a narrow, bright beam behind the posterior lens to focus on and illuminate the dark vitreous cavity.
How long does pneumatic Retinopexy take?
Pneumatic retinopexy is typically completed within 30 minutes. The procedure itself lasts about a minute, but most of the time is in numbing the eye, so that you feel no pain during the procedure.
What is ora serrata in human eye?
The ora serrata is the peripheral termination of the retina and lies approximately 5 mm anterior to the equator of the eye. 123. Its name derives from the scalloped pattern of bays and dentate processes (see Chapter 3); the retina extends further anteriorly on the medial side of the eye.
How long before a retinal tear become a detachment?
The rate of progression of a retinal detachment can vary from days to weeks depending on many factors such as patient age as well as the size and the number of retinal tears. Gradual loss of peripheral vision in the form of a shadow, curtain, or cloud (this corresponds to the retina detaching.)
How do you know when PVD is complete?
When a PVD is “complete,” the examiner will classically observe a Weiss ring on exam (Figure 2). A “Weiss ring” is the circular peripapillary attachment that is visible within the vitreous after it has become detached from the optic nerve head.
What is proliferative Vitreoretinopathy?
Proliferative vitreoretinopathy (PVR), a major complication of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (RRD), is an abnormal process whereby proliferative, contractile cellular membranes form in the vitreous and on both sides of the retina, resulting in tractional retinal detachment with fixed retinal folds.
How is pneumatic retinopexy done?
If you have pneumatic retinopexy, your eye doctor will inject an expanding gas bubble into your eye. He or she will position you so that the bubble floats over the detached area and pushes it against the back of your eye. Your eye doctor then uses a freezing device to seal the retina against the wall of the eye.
How long does it take for retina to reattach?
Surgical reattachment of the retina takes about one-and-a-half to two hours.
What is Rhegmatogenous?
Rhegmatogenous (reg-ma-TODGE-uh-nus). These types of retinal detachments are the most common. Rhegmatogenous detachments are caused by a hole or tear in the retina that allows fluid to pass through and collect underneath the retina, pulling the retina away from underlying tissues.
What is Shafer’s sign in ophthalmology?
Learn more. Shafer’s sign alludes to the clinical finding of pigment cells in the vitreous. In the absence of prior ocular surgery, this sign is considered practically pathognomonic of a retinal break or rhegmatogenous detachment.
Should all patients with acute PVD see an ophthalmologist with Shafer’s sign?
Some of our ophthalmological colleagues prefer to see all patients with acute PVD whether or not Shafer’s sign is found. This is because of the very small chance of a retinal break being present but Shafer’s sign not being detected. Recently, in many localities, acute referral protocols are being discussed.
Can Shafer’s sign predict retinal breaks?
The same group from St Thomas’ Hospital eye department also evaluated the sensitivity and specificity of Shafer’s sign in predicting retinal breaks. 3 They showed that with patients with acute PVD the presence of Shafer’s sign was extremely specific and sensitive in predicting those patients who had a retinal break.
What are the benefits of Shafer’s sign?
The use of Shafer’s sign may be of great benefit in these circumstances to allow identification of those patients who should be referred on an emergency basis for more expert retinal examination and appropriate treatment.