What is Spinosaurus Aegyptiacus?

What is Spinosaurus Aegyptiacus?

Spinosaurus aegyptiacus (meaning “spined lizard from Egypt”) is an extinct genus of large spinosaurid theropod dinosaur that inhabited early to middle Cretaceous (Cenomanian); albeit there are significant discoveries that state the theropod could lived as long as Early Campanian of Late Creteceous, Northern Africa.

When did Spinosaurus Aegyptiacus?

about 95 million years ago
Spinosaurus aegyptiacus is a giant theropod dinosaur that lived about 95 million years ago (Cretaceous period) in what is now North Africa.

Was Spinosaurus Aegyptiacus real?

Spinosaurus aegyptiacus remains were first discovered about 100 years ago in Egypt, and were moved to a museum in Munich, Germany. However, they were destroyed during World War II, when an Allied bomb hit the building.

What happened to the original Spinosaurus Aegyptiacus specimen?

Tragically, however, that original Spinosaurus skeleton—and all of Stromer’s other dinosaur fossils from Egypt—were destroyed during the Second World War, more specifically in a British Royal Air Force bombing of Munich on April 24, 1944.

What country is the best specimen of Spinosaurus Aegyptiacus from?

The best known species is S. aegyptiacus from Egypt, although a potential second species, S. maroccanus, has been recovered from Morocco. The contemporary spinosaurid genus Sigilmassasaurus has also been synonymized by some authors with S.

When and where did the Spinosaurus Aegyptiacus live?

It lived during part of the Cretaceous period, about 112 million to 97 million years ago, roaming the swamps of North Africa. Two Spinosaurus species have been named based on the regions where they were discovered: Spinosaurus aegyptiacus Egyptian spine lizard) and Spinosaurus maroccanus (Moroccan spine lizard).

Was Spinosaurus aegyptiacus a semiaquatic Hunter?

Spinosaurus aegyptiacus was probably the largest predatory dinosaur of the Cretaceous period. A new study shows that it was a semiaquatic hunter. The function of Spinosaurus’ huge dorsal ‘sail’ remains unsolved, however. Three hypotheses have been proposed: (1) thermoregulation; (2) humpback storage; or (3) display.

What kind of sail did Spinosaurus have?

Spinosaurus’ sail was almost rectangular, unlike the rounded, arc-shaped sails of related non-aquatic spinosaurids (see Ibrahim et al. 2014 ).

When was the dinosaur Spinosaurus discovered?

In 1912, Richard Markgraf discovered a partial skeleton of a dinosaur in the Bahariya Formation of western Egypt. In 1915, German paleontologist Ernst Stromer published an article assigning the specimen to a new genus and species Spinosaurus aegyptiacus.

What was the function of Spinosaurus’tail?

Spinosaurus ‘s leg bones had osteosclerosis (high bone density), allowing for better buoyancy control, and the paddle-like tail was likely used for underwater propulsion. Multiple functions have been put forward for the dorsal sail, including thermoregulation and display; either to intimidate rivals or attract mates.