What is the composition of compound powder of tragacanth?

What is the composition of compound powder of tragacanth?

25.3. Gum tragacanth comprises of two different fractions: (1) tragacanthin (20%–30%) and (2) bassorin (60%–70%) [118,119]. Tragacanthin is reported as aqueous soluble fraction, which is further fractioned into insoluble tragacanthic acid and arabinogalactan (soluble in ethanol) [119,120].

What is tragacanth powder?

Tragacanth is a natural gum obtained from the dried sap of several species of Middle Eastern legumes of the genus Astragalus [18]. It is a viscous, odorless, tasteless, water-soluble mixture of polysaccharides. • Tragacanth provides thixotrophy to a solution (forms pseudoplastic solutions).

Where u will use compound tragacanth powder?

The sap-like material (resin) of the bark is used to make medicine. Tragacanth contains chemicals that stimulate the bowel. People use tragacanth for diarrhea, constipation, and other conditions, but there is no good scientific evidence to support these uses.

What is the concentration of compound tragacanth powder to be added as suspending agent?

The compound tragacanth powder was found to have a promising potential for use as a suspending agent in a concentration range of 24%w/v.

What is compound tragacanth and tragacanth mucilage?

• Compound tragacanth powder is used when the vehicle is other than water or chloroform Water but tragacanth mucilage is used when the vehicle is water or chloroform Water.

Is gum arabic the same as gum tragacanth?

Gum Arabic is made from Acacia trees throughout Arabia and West Asia. Its gum is obtained through the sap from holes in the tree. Tragacanth is obtained from the dried sap of different species of the middle eastern legume.

What is the use of tragacanth in suspension?

Gum tragacanth is an effective suspending agent for many pharmaceutical products. It generally acts to suspend the active ingredient by increasing the viscosity of the external phase and thus prevents undissolved material from settling out.

What is the moisture content of tragacanth?

It consists of a water-swellable fraction called tragacanthic acid (or bassorin) (60–70%) and a water-soluble fraction called tragacanthin.

Is tragacanth gum soluble in water?

Tragacanth is one of the most acid-resistance gums and most efficient natural emulsifier for acidic oil-in-water emulsions [2]. Gum tragacanth consists two major fractions: a water-soluble (tragacanthic acid and small amount of an arabinogalactan) and an insoluble but water-swellable fraction named bassorin.

What is the proportion of tragacanth mucilage that is used as suspending agent?

Tragacanth mucilage :- In the proportion of ¼ of the volume of the mixture. Compound tragacanth powder is used when the vehicle is other than water or chloroform Water but tragacanth mucilage is used when the vehicle is water or chloroform Water.

What is the product name for tragacanth powder?

Product Name Tragacanth powder Cat No. : A18502 CAS-No9000-65-1 SynonymsNo information available Recommended UseLaboratory chemicals. Uses advised againstFood, drug, pesticide or biocidal product use. Details of the supplier of the safety data sheet

What are the components of tragacanth?

Tragacanth has 2 major constituents: tragacanthin (20% to 30%), a water-soluble fraction consisting of tragacanthic acid and arabinogalactan, and bassorin (60% to 70%), a water-insoluble fraction. Tragacanthic acid includes D-galacturonic acid, D-xylose, L-fructose, D-galactose, and other sugars.

What is tragacanth gum made of?

Gum tragacanth is a viscous, odorless, tasteless, water-soluble mixture of polysaccharides obtained from sap that is drained from the root of the plant and dried. The gum seeps from the plant in twisted ribbons or flakes that can be powdered.

What is tragacanthin used for?

The major fractions are known as tragacanthin, highly water soluble as a mucilaginous colloid, and the chemically related bassorin, which is far less soluble but swells in water to form a gel. The gum is used in vegetable-tanned leatherworking as an edge slicking and burnishing compound, and is occasionally used as a stiffener in textiles.
