What is the difference between CPT code 66984 and 66982?

What is the difference between CPT code 66984 and 66982?

For purposes of this measure, only the following CPT cataract surgery codes should be used: 66982: Cataract surgery with insertion of intraocular lens, complex. 66983: Cataract surgery, intracapsular, with insertion of intraocular lens. 66984: Cataract surgery, extracapsular, with insertion of intraocular lens.

Is 66982 covered by Medicare?

QUESTION: Is 66982 subject to Medi- care’s NCCI edits? ANSWER: Yes. Current NCCI edits are largely the same as those for 66984.

What qualifies as complex cataract surgery?

Also, complex cataract surgery occurs when the surgeon is required to suture the haptics of an IOL, or implant a capsular tension ring. Pediatric cataract surgery with an IOL almost always involves primary posterior capsulo-rhexis which is defined as complex cataract surgery in the CPT description.

How do I bill Medicare for post op cataract surgery?

After the optometrist has seen the patient for post-operative care, he/she will submit a claim for the post- operative care provided, using the appropriate CPT Code, i.e, 66984, and Modifier 55.

Is CPT 66984 covered by Medicare?

Medicare and most other insurance carriers specifically exclude coverage for the surgical correction of refractive errors, including astigmatism. 66984 with 67036.

What does CPT code 66984 mean?


What is the CPT code for cataract extraction?

For CPT code 66982 and 66987, complex cataract extraction, to be reasonable and necessary, the procedure should require devices or techniques not generally used in routine cataract surgery.

Can you bill for a refraction after cataract surgery?

Yes. Under Medicare law (Social Security Act, 1861(s)(8)), beneficiaries are covered for post-cataract eyeglasses following cataract surgery with implantation of an IOL. However, Medicare does not pay for the refraction to prescribe those eyeglasses.

What is the global period for CPT 66984?

Modifier 79 For example, if a patient has cataract surgery with an IOL in the right eye (66984-RT), the global period is 90 days, so any other surgery done on this patient’s eyes in the next 90 days needs a modifier.

Does Medicare pay for laser cataract surgery in 2021?

Under your Medicare Part B benefits, Medicare will pay for one pair of prescription eyeglasses with standard frames or a set of contact lenses. But does Medicare cover laser cataract surgery? Luckily, the answer is yes. Medicare coverage includes surgery done using lasers.

Is 66984 covered by Medicare?

What is procedure code 66984?

What are CPT codes and why are they important?

A complete description of the procedure or service (e.g.,describe in detail the skill and time involved.

  • A clinical vignette,which describes the typical patient and work provided by the physician/practitioner.
  • The diagnosis of patients for whom this procedure/service would be performed.
  • A copy(s) of peer reviewed articles published in the U.S.
  • What is Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) code?

    What are current procedural terminology codes? Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) is a medical code set that is used to report medical, surgical, and diagnostic procedures and services to entities such as physicians, health insurance companies and accreditation organizations.

    How to look up CPT codes for free?

    – Do a CPT code search on the American Medical Association website. – Contact your doctor’s office and ask them to help you match CPT codes and services. – Contact your payer’s billing personnel and ask them to help you. – Remember that some codes may be bundled but can be looked up in the same way.

    What is the CPT code for an annual physical exam?

    Annual Physical Cpt Codes – 01/2021. A: The CPT code for the annual routine physical exam for Medicare is 99387 (preventative medicine E/M new patient age 65 and older) or 99397 (preventative medicine E/M For established patients making a well baby/well child care visits: • For infants under age 1, use CPT code 99391. 2.