What is the function of the uncinate fasciculus?
The uncinate fasciculus connects the orbitofrontal cortex, involved in face encoding and in processing famous names, to the temporal pole, which is crucial in naming people.
Is the left uncinate fasciculus essential for language?
We suggest that UF is not systematically essential for language.
What is the role of the uncinate fasciculus surgical removal and proper name retrieval?
In conclusion, the resection of the uncinate fasciculus, in its frontal or temporal part, has long-lasting consequences for famous face naming. We suggest that this fibre tract is part of a circuitry involved in the retrieval of word form for proper names. Retrieval of conceptual knowledge was intact.
What is the function of the inferior longitudinal fasciculus?
Functions of the ILF ILF supports brain functions concerning the visual modality, including object, face and place processing, reading, lexical and semantic processing, emotion processing, and visual memory.
Which of the following are connected by uncinate fasciculus?
The uncinate fasciculus is a white matter association tract in the human brain that connects parts of the limbic system such as the temporal pole, anterior parahippocampus, and amygdala in the temporal lobe with inferior portions of the frontal lobe such as the orbitofrontal cortex.
Where is the Uncinate fasciculus?
The uncinate fasciculus is one of several long-range white matter association fibre tracts in the human brain. It connects orbitofrontal cortex to the anterior temporal lobes through a direct, bidirectional monosynaptic pathway.
What is the function of the medial longitudinal fasciculus?
The medial longitudinal fasciculus (MLF) is a paired, highly specialized, and heavily myelinated nerve bundle responsible for extraocular muscle movements, including the oculomotor reflex, saccadic eye movements an smooth pursuit, and the vestibular ocular reflex.
What is conduite D Approche?
In the aphasia literature, conduite d’approche behavior has been described for an aphasic’s successive approximations at producing target words in various language production tasks (e.g. Joanette, Keller, & Lecours, 1980).
Where is the uncinate fasciculus located?
temporal lobe
The uncinate fasciculus is a white matter association tract in the human brain that connects parts of the limbic system such as the temporal pole, anterior parahippocampus, and amygdala in the temporal lobe with inferior portions of the frontal lobe such as the orbitofrontal cortex.
What does the medial longitudinal fasciculus do in the ventral horn of the upper cervical spinal cord?
Fibers from the medial vestibular nucleus descend the spinal cord in the medial longitudinal fasciculus located in a dorsal area of the ventral funiculus. These fibers synapse in the cranial area of the thoracic spinal cord with cervical motoneurons that control head position and maintain equilibrium.
What is lateral longitudinal fasciculus?
Definition: The lateral longitudinal fascicule is an ascending bundle of axons. The LLF contains fibers of the auditory and mechanosensory systems which originate in the primary sensory brainstem nuclei and terminate in the torus semicircularis.