What is the grossest word ever?

What is the grossest word ever?

The top 10 grossest words in the English language

  • Seepage – 8,799 votes.
  • Moist – 8,234 votes.
  • Splooge – 7,893 votes.
  • Fester – 7,223 votes.
  • Mucus – 7,083 votes.
  • Ooze – 6,990 votes.
  • Putrid – 6,912 votes.
  • Curd – 6,344 votes.

What are the Cringiest words?

Top 12 words that make us cringe

  1. Squirt – 55% Coming in at number one, the word squirt was voted the cringiest word in the English language in Buzzfeed’s survey.
  2. Moist – 51%
  3. Squelch – 45%
  4. Secrete – 43%
  5. TIE: panties – 35% and defecate – 35%
  6. Flaccid – 33%
  7. Yeast – 31%
  8. Chunk – 29%

What words do most people hate?

Top Words People Hate

  • Secrete.
  • Slacks.
  • Slurp.
  • Smear.
  • Squirt.
  • Viscous.
  • Vomit.
  • Yolk.

What are some uncomfortable words?

Put down your lunch and take a look at the list of uncomfortable words below.

  • Moist. Let’s start the list with the most obvious word: moist.
  • Ointment. Ointment is also right up there, again due to the “oi” sound.
  • Creamy.
  • Squid.
  • Squirt.
  • Squelch.
  • Phlegm.
  • Smear.

What is word aversion?

1 : a feeling of repugnance toward something with a desire to avoid or turn from it. 2 : a tendency to extinguish a behavior or to avoid a thing or situation and especially a usually pleasurable one because it is or has been associated with a noxious stimulus conditioning of food aversions by drug injection.

Why do some words make me uncomfortable?

Word aversion is marked by strong reactions triggered by the sound, sight, and sometimes even the thought of certain words, according to Liberman. “Not to the things that they refer to, but to the word itself,” he adds. “The feelings involved seem to be something like disgust.”

What is Logomisia?

In language studies, logomisia is an informal term for a strong dislike for a particular word (or type of word) based on its sound, meaning, usage, or associations. Also known as word aversion or verbal virus.

What are some hated words?

These Are The ‘Most Hated’ Words in the English Language

  • Riddle. Definition: A mystifying, misleading, or puzzling question posed as a problem to be solved or guessed.
  • Phlegm. Definition: Viscid mucus secreted in abnormal quantity in the respiratory passages.
  • Moist.
  • Moreish.
  • Foetus.
  • Tofu.
  • Trump…
  • Crevice.

What is the hated word?

animosity, antagonism, dislike, enmity, hatred, horror, hostility, loathing, pain, rancor, resentment, revenge, venom, abhor, despise, detest, scorn, shun, abhorrence, abomination.

Whats the least popular word?

The 20 Least-Known Words In English

  • genipap.
  • futhorc.
  • witenagemot.
  • gossypol.
  • chaulmoogra.
  • brummagem.
  • alsike.
  • chersonese.

What does listlessly mean?

: characterized by lack of interest, energy, or spirit a listless melancholy attitude.

Why does the word moist make us cringe?

People hate the word ‘moist’ because of its connotations to bodily fluids. People hate the word ‘moist’ because they’re socialized to believe the word is disgusting.

What is the grossest word in the English language?

Tens of thousands of people have voted on the grossest word in the English language — with “pus” taking the top spot. The icky word — defined as “a thick yellowish or greenish liquid produced in infected tissue” — received a whopping 9,799 votes in the poll, which was conducted by the online language platform Preply.

Is moist one of the grossest words?

Topping many a “grossest words” list, “moist” is one of the most universally hated words out there. Something that can be used to describe both a good piece of cake and bodily functions is just not appealing, it turns out. Get it? This entry in the “grossest words” list is probably one of the cleverest math jokes I’ve seen in a while.

Is Gurgle the grossest word in the English language?

The word “gurgle” is one, as is “squirt”; indeed, both ranks high on many “grossest word” lists. But before we ask why words are gross, let’s first bathe in the sounds of what Reddit deems to be the grossest words in the English language.