What is the phrasal meaning of turn down?
1. phrasal verb. If you turn down a person or their request or offer, you refuse their request or offer.
What is the word for being turned down?
In this page you can discover 20 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for turn down, like: refuse, reject, scorn, hush, turn-away, decrease, turn, take, ok, lour and accept.
What is the meaning of turn down the offer?
to decline to accept
3 : to decline to accept : reject turned down the offer.
What does turn down service mean?
Definition of ‘turn-down service’ In a hotel, a turn-down service is the preparation of a room for a guest to sleep in by slightly turning back the comforter on the bed, turning down the lights, and so on. Turn-down service is performed in the early evening.
What is turned out mean?
to happen in a particular way or to have a particular result, especially an unexpected one: As events turned out, we were right to have decided to leave early.
What is another word for refused?
Some common synonyms of refuse are decline, reject, repudiate, and spurn.
How do you turn down a job offer?
How to politely decline a job offer
- Make sure you want to decline the offer.
- Show appreciation and gratitude.
- Keep the networking door open.
- Explain your decision.
- If the offer doesn’t help you achieve your career goals.
- If you’re interested in the company — but not the role.
- If you’ve accepted a better offer.
What are the different tasks for a turn down service?
Turndown the bed:
- Enter the room, empty dustbin and ashtrays.
- Remove the bedcover, fold it and place in the luggage rack drawer.
- Remove pillow from luggage rack and place it on the head of the bed.
- Make 90 angles with the second sheet.
- Quilt and third sheet.
- Spread the foot mat on the side of the bed.
What is DND in housekeeping?
A do not disturb sign is a sign that a guest in a hotel hangs outside their room to tell other people not to knock the door or enter. Your cleaner will enter your room daily, unless the do not disturb sign is on the outside door handle. They left the room at 11:00 am and removed the do not disturb sign from the door.
What do you mean by turned in?
transitive verb. 1 : to deliver up : hand over turned in his badge and quit. 2a : to inform on : betray. b : to deliver to an authority urged the wanted man to turn himself in. 3 : to acquit oneself of : put on, produce turned in a good performance.
How do you say turn out?
turn out
- arise,
- get up,
- rise,
- roll out,
- uprise.
Are decline and refuse synonyms?
Some common synonyms of refuse are decline, reject, repudiate, and spurn. While all these words mean “to turn away by not accepting, receiving, or considering,” refuse suggests more positiveness or ungraciousness and often implies the denial of something asked for.
What is the meaning of the word turn down?
Definition of turn down (Entry 3 of 3) transitive verb. 1 : to reduce the height or intensity of by turning a control turn down the radio. 2 : to fold or double down. 3 : to decline to accept : reject turned down the offer. 4 : to turn (a card) face downward. intransitive verb. : to be capable of being folded or doubled down the collar turns down.
What does it mean to turn down a bed?
To tidy and arrange a bed. In this usage, “bed” or “beds” can be used between “turn” and “down.” You’ll need to replace customers’ towels, empty their waste bins, and turn down their beds. Please turn your bed down after you wake up in the morning. See also: down, turn Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2015 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.
What is the meaning of turn the Lights Down?
They turned the lights down before the movie started. 2. To dismiss, reject, spurn, or refuse someone or something. A noun or pronoun can be used between “turn” and “down.”
What is a good sentence for turned down?
turn down. 2. Invert, as in She turned down her cards, or They turn down the glasses in the cupboard. 3. Reject, fail to accept, as in They turned down his proposal, or Joe was turned down at four schools before he was finally accepted.